Character Info (little bit of spoilers)

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Name: Echo D. Donquixote

Gender: female

Age: 22

Height: 5' 4"

Occupation: Pirate

Affiliation: Donquixote Pirates (formaly)
Straw Hat pirates

Epithet: sleeping dragon

Birthday: October 31

Bounty: 700,000,000 beli

Family: Doflamimgo (Uncle)
Corzan (father)
Homing (grandfather)
Renesmay (mother)

Devil Fruit: Pawa Pawa no mi
Meaning: Power Power Fruit
Ability: can use other devil fruit abilities once she has touched the owner of the fruit.
Side Effects: Cant swim, turns into a monster one day a month, when her abilities are in use they later give her physical damage.

Looks: Echo has dark blue hair and yellow eyes hence her name Sleeping Dragon. The only resemblence to her father is her eyes being as the two share the same yellow shade. When first introduced she wore a black shirt that puffed out down by her shorts and tucked in. Echo wears thigh high white socks that have the same Leppard print at the top like Laws hat. But when it was pionted out by Zoro she rejected saying "I jut like the way they look" Her hair is often up but due to past habits she keeps it down when around Trafalgar Law. Found mostly on her back their are scars and a tattoo that Echo keeps hidden.

Personality: In the beginning Echo is mean and distant from others. She preferred to be alone and work alone. But when reuniting with Luffy it's shown she is more fun and playful than what others thought. Though at times she can be cold and hateful she wouldn't hesitate to kill any one who hurt her friends. Then after seeing Law again Echo shows a much more fiery side, but once she tells him who her father was Law brings out her broken side.

Past: Echo was born on a small island in North blue where she lived with her mother and had made friends with the cafe owner. But when she was 8 her mother was murdered by a Navy Soldier who had claimed she was the spawn of a devil after her mother had eaten a devil fruit that Controlled people's minds. Echos mother had raised her to be a heartless killer but Echo could not become what her mother desperately needed. And as claimed by Echo herself her mother had not always been like was the fact that Echo had been born and was half Celestial Dragon. The entire island burned and Echo ran till she was 11 where she found a new home with Luffy, Ace, and Sabo but never revealed to them who her real mother and father were. After 6 years she left the island. 3 years later she was found crying at the war over Ace's death. 2 years later she joined Luffy's crew. Between the ages of 17-20 Echo recieved the highest given bounty but never talks about what she had been doing. Similarly the Government and Navy keep quit about it too. However it's been questioned weather Echo had been sold as a slave to a family of Celestial Dragons and escaped some here within the unknown time frame.

Dream: Echo has always love to write, so secretly she is a writer and wants her works published for the world to see and feel her story. Echo decided when she was younge that she would become a pirate and writer about her adventures and fictional ones. 

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