Chapter 2- Moon Gazing

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Chapter 2- Moon Gazing

Echo's POV:

"Luffy!" I screamed as my little brother stole some of my pancakes that I had asked Sanji to make for me. They were chocolate chip with a dash of vanilla extract and cinniom. Along with the food I had vanilla chai tea with vanilla creamer. I loved vanilla flavored things.

Luffy grinned innocently as he chomped down on my food. "So Echo what were you doing for so long?" He asked me once my food went down into his stomach.

Nami walked in. " joined the crew and left the very next day." She sat next to Luffy looking at me for an answer.

I laughed awkwardly at the question. "Well I was trying to stock up on devil fruit abilities...only the useful ones though." Nami gave me a blank look and Luffy had stars in his eyes.

"OOHH!!! What can you do new!?" The idiot yelled.

"Stocking up? I dont get it..." Nami was confused and I smiled at her. I never really talked about myself to Luffy's crew. They never really asked me questions so it made sense that only Luffy understood what I was saying. He had been with me for six years before I left along with Ace..and Sabo once.

"Ya. Like Luffy I ate a Devil Fruit. Its called Pawa Pawa No Mi. The power power fruit. The fruit gives me the ability to use another devil fruit power once I have touched the user." I explained to Nami.

Usopp entered the room. "That sounds pretty cool...and scary. How's it work?" He asked and Suddenly Sanji came in with food.

"A power human? That means you could use any power." He handed out some food.

I went to reply to him that, thats not exactly how it worked when Franky and the rest of the crew walked in. "I wwwant to see this ability!! It sounds SUPER!!!!" Franky did a silly pose.

Law walked in and he looked interested. "It sounds impossible.." He commented.

"So will you show us?" Robin asked. I began to feel clasraphobic with everyone looking at me waiting for me to demonstrait.

"S-sure...lets go on deck." I lead the group to the center of the ship and stared at everyone. "So who would like to lend their devil fruit ability?" I asked looking at chopper to Robin and Brook, then to Luffy and then Law. "I promise I wont keep it." I added when no one offered.

Robin stepped forward. "I guess I could." She said politly. I silently thanked her for not making me stand their like an idiot.

"Okay.." I walked over to her and whispered into her ear. "You ready?" I asked her. She nodded yes and took a stance with her arms crossed. "So, Robin and I are going to duel...the way my ability works is the user must be using their own devil fruit power and I have to touch them while they are in use." Everyone nodded their heads in understanding. "Alright. Whenever your ready Robin." I spoke to her and stood still.

"De Fluers." She shouted and arms appeared on my body to hold me down. I smiled and the arms dissapeared. Robin looked shocked. "How did you.."

"Illusionary Power. With that ability I posses a way to make you think you see something when in reality its not happening." I explained. Robin attacked again making a huge hand grow from the ground and coming down onto me. Suddenly I was behind Robin and I touched her shoulder. Her own face read shock then confusion has she had not seen me even move. "Transportation...sadly I only can teleport 100 yards from where I was previously at." I told them once again explaining. Hands came from the ground and grabbed my ankels so I couldnt move. I crossed my arms similarly to Robin. "DE Fluers." I copied her and my own set of hands appeared on her body playing rock, paper, scissors. Robin laughed and the duel ended. "With that comes the end of my demonstration." I turned over to the gawking group.

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