Ova chapter" 3- Testy

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Third Pov-

Echo wondered around the ship bored out of her mind. Everyone had left the ship to go into town. The crew had docked at a random island stocking up on food, repairs, and other things. Law went with them to replace something or another. Echo had tuned them all out after she got assigned to stay on the ship and watch over it. Echo felt frustrated that she was the only one who didn't get to have fun. Franky even left to go get supplies for the wood and cola.

"I hope they get back soon..." She mumbled to herself sourly. The sunny seemed like a ghost ship when it was just her. "Well Sunny, what shall we do?" Echo asked the ship. No answer. "Fine, I'll figure it out myself." The pirate sighed and looked out to the sea. It was days like this she wished she could just jump in and swim. The suns rays reflecting the surface under the water creating a wonderland that no devil fruit user could experience for the water was a common enemy. Echo made her way up to the top of the mast where the sails were up and if a normal human were to fall they would break every bone in their body. The wind was a simple breeze Echo opened her mouth and began to sing to herself. The beat took her words and Echo fell into the music.

" Trippin out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down
Yeah I fell down
I'm freaking out, where am I now?
Upside down and I can't stop it now
Can't stop me now, oh oh
I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry..."

She took a breath and hollard to the wind.

When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry!!!!!!"

Echo's foot slipped and she fell backwards. However instead of screaming she began to laugh and the small breeze turned into a current that slowed her fall. However she heard someone yell her name.

"Echo!!!!" It screamed and just before she hit the deck long arms caught her easily. Echo stared up at Law confusion on her face.

"Law??" She spoke surprised. "I was just fine." Her words were meant to reassure the Surgeon.

However it did the opposite. "What the hell were you doing up there!?" He scowled at her.

"I was just..." Her words fell. 'Why was he so mad?' "I was fine Law! The wind currents weren't going to make me fall and splatter everywhere I would have floated right before the crash!" She raised her voice though she felt like a little kid while still in his arms bridle style.

"That doesn't matter. You could have fallen into the water from up there!" He spoke back.

Echo noticed a bag was dropped behind Law. Instead of fighting she changed the subject. "So," She squirmed. "Can you put me down?" Law set her down on her feet. "What did you buy in town?" Echo asked gesturing to the bag.

Law looked over her one more time before answering. "I got knew scaples, the ones back on my submarine looked a little worn down." He went and picked up the bag then turned back. "Don't go back up to the mast." He ordered then walked to his bunk room. Echo stood their with her mouth gapped open.

'What gave him the right to tell me what to do? I can go wherever I want even to the mast!' She raged inside her mind and stomped off to her room. "What the hell is his damn problem!? I am not a little kid! In fact I'm an adult and he had no right to order me not to do something!" Echo raged on and before she knew it Nami came knocking on her door. "Come in!" Echo answered and Nami walked in.

"You okay? You've been in here a while." Robin asked as she followed Nami into Echo's room.

Echo gave a agitated smile. "Of course I'm okay. I just cant see where the hell the jerk has the right to tell me what to do!"

"Who?" Nami asked.

The blunnette stopped pacing and stared at them. "Law. He told me not go up on the mast again because I fell but I was perfectly fine! He scolded me for being up there in the first place!!!" Echo vented.

Robin stifled a laugh. "Why does that anger you?" She asked. Echo sat on her bed and looked at the raven haired women and the orange headed one.

"I don't know. Maybe because he thinks I'm a little kid! Last I checked I'm an adult!" Echo huffed.

Nami smiled. "Are you sure your not a kid? You act like one a lot. But maybe that's because your Luffy's sister."

"I'm not a kid!" Echo stomped like a little kid.

"So go and tell him. He's in the dining hall eating with everyone. Go and get him and tell him you don't appreciate being treated like a kid." Robin concluded.

Echo stopped ranting and thought over the idea. "Okay. I will. That's very grown up." She agreed and headed over to the dinning hall.

Inside everyone laughed and ate. Law sat and chewed his food super seriously. Echo stomped over and grabbed his free hand and dragged him out of the dinning hall and out to her room door so she could properly tell him just like an adult would.

"What was that about?" Law asked in his bored tone.

Echo clenched her fists and stared at Law furiously. "Stop treating me like I'm a kid." She stated crossing her arms.

"Huh?" Law blinked. "You are a kid." He responded.

Echo felt her brain snap. "No I'm not! I can do as I please! You cant tell me what to do, I was fine being up on the mast and I certainly am fine everywhere else. I'm not a kid!" She raised her voice again getting agitated.

Law stared at her. Then smirked. "I cant tell you what to do huh?" He asked egging her one.

"No you cant." Echo answered standing her ground.

Law crept closer till their faces were only a few centimeters apart. "Watch me." He smirked deviously and Echo's face went red. "If your not a kid then what are you? Certainly not a grown up." He continued.

"I-I-I am too a grown up!" Echo whined like a child as she stuttered.

"Prove it." Those two words made Echo's mind race. How could she prove she was a grown up right now? He was till treating her like a kid.

Her heart raced. "H-How?" She stuttered.

Law's smile stayed as he grabbed her wrist and pinned her on the door, however the door flung open and the two fell. Now Echo lay under Law her hand pinned. "How should I know...I've never had to prove I was a grown up." He answered and his hat slipped off his head as he leaned in closer, his hat landing next to Echo

Her heart sped like a jackrabbit and Echo prayed that he couldn't hear it. Without thinking Law closed the space between them and their lips crashed into eachothers. Echo no longer could think or comprehend anything else other than that Law's lips were locked with hers....


{Yosh so I went with kissing scene then I'll do the *cough* other one that is more *cough* mature. Please don't hate me for leaving it like this. I had a lot of fun writing this ova because well, I'm a romance fanatic and like ermergerd!!! I wish I had a boyfriend you would do this and ahhhhh!!!! Anyway vote and such. That lemon thing will happen later maybe. Don't kill me for it being bad detailed because I am not a sex fanatic or romance!!!!! So vote and comment if you want more!!!


Thank you skyscratcher, RachelRogers, and RT_Ninja for staying with my story an voting and commenting!!! You guys are the complete best and when you comment or vote I get this silly grin on my face and my sister says I look like jeff the killer....Anywho thank you!!!!!!! You all will get a chapter dedicated to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! }

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