Chapter 5- Time Skip

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Chapter 5- Time Skip

(Time skipping to when Law and Luffy are inside the castle disscusing a strategy to take Doflamingo down. Its right before they fight him.}


It was cold on the stone floor. Everything around her seemed cold. Echo's body was full of bruises and blood trickled down the corner of her mouth. Without warning though her body flashed with inmense heat and her body paled. Her head spun around and around making the room a blurr. Echo began to breath hard and her body smoked while blue fire circled around. Pain filled her body inside and out. Echo knew what was happening. She experienced this pain often. Her blue hair grew a shade lighter and 2 feet longer growing to her waste. Her left eye burned as markings formed around her body.

"AHHHH!!!!!" Echo screamed and her wrists pulled at the sea stone cuffs chipping a cracking into them. Echo's kanine teeth grew longer along with her nails. With a tug the cuffs shattered and Echo crawled on the floor. Slowly the blue fire settled and Echo stood up, her eyes still their same yellow..but that was the only thing left of her human form. Markings were on her legs and stomach and her left eye. Her hair, teeth, and nails were longer. And two horns stuck out from her head along with big black dragon wings that stuck out her back.

More Animal the Echo she began to walk down the long corridor. She took a left and entered a room where their was a vast selection of clothing. Echo picked up a black skirt that was small and slit on both sides that had tiny skulls, along with the matching crop top, both had exsquesite designs. Quckly Demon Echo changed and went to exit the room when she saw a matching white jacket {see picture}. She put it on then left the room walking down the corridor once again a smile tugged at her lips.

This was her punishment for eating the pawa pawa fruit. Every month for 24 hours Echo became a Demon...she danced with darkness. Since long ago everyone knew the fruit was bad, it was made from a dying tree that shouldn't have been able to produce fruit. But it did, only one odd shaped fruit. Even back then the people who had lived with the dying tree understood not to eat it. But then Echo's mother stole the fruit after Echo was 4 months old and fed it to her child. Since then Echo had been cursed with the ability to steal others, cursed to never swim, cursed to become a monster.

Echo didnt know where she was going. Her head and body had stopped hurting but Echo felt the need to get out of the castle. The only problem was, Echo didnt know how...

Sticking to the shadows and being unseen Echo raced around and listend to some of Doffy's men talk about comotion outside.

"Straw hat is on the second floor! And he had an army of the Collasium Toys and their on the third floor!!!" They panicked and began to run in a certain direction. They payed no attention to her as they ran past her. Echo thought. 'Luffy is here?' and her mind ticked. He couldnt see her like this. She could hurt him or maybe even kill him. Echo had been out for a good sum of the day. There was much she missed.

From behind Echo heard shouting and she turned around to see about 20 of Doffy's men that had on the same uniform. "Its the catptive!! Get her!! Capture her again!!" They yelled. Echo frowned not liking the noise. As the men surrounded her and pionted there guns Echo took a step forward and they all dropped to the floor uncountiouse. It wasnt wise to mess with a demon on the loose. Echo began to hum the lyrics of a sang. Just like the night Echo was silent excluding the humming. She had to get out, get out before Luffy or Law or anyone she cared for saw her. She had to get out...


Luffy kept repeating how he was just going to just kick Mingo's ass. Law felt fustraited at his lack of brains. Right then a small girl with a basket full of grapes emerged from inside the castle crying. "Mamma!!! Daddy!!" She screamed.

"Leave her." Law spoke and turned to leave. Luffy gave the girl a peace sign and went to follow Law.

"Nooo!!! DONT LEAVE ME!!!!!" The little girl screamed at them. Law winced at the volume the girl used. He didnt have time for this.

Luffy tried to explain to the girl that they were in a hurry when the girl offered. "I'll give you some grapes." Instatly Luffy turned around apon hearing the child had food. Right when the girl had touch Luffy he turne into a toy. Law was shocked and got ready for a battle. However something whizzed between toy Luffy and Law and Surgar (the little girl) screamed terrified and fell back unconscouse. Luffy turned back into himself. "Com on Straw Hat-ya. We dont have time for this." Law spoke, and for some reason an image of Echo rose to his mind. They hadn't seen her the entire time they were in Dressrosa or heard from her. The note pinned from the mast didnt say what she was doing.

As if he could read Law's mind Luffy asked. "Hey have you seen Echo around here? I thought she would have caught up with us by now." As he spoke Luffy stretched his rubber hand up to the top of the building and grabbed Law shooting them up.

"No. But we have bigger things to worry about." The two reached the top and saw Doflamingo, Snot nose man, and a beat up Belamy waiting for them. Luffy got pissed off at Doffy for beating Belamy up and went to kick him in the face but ended up kicking Belamy instead. "Stay focused, he wants to get you angry." Law warned Luffy then charged at Snot nose. Easly he cut him up and Snot nose couldnt reform back to his slimy self. Luffy punched Doflamingo really hard in the stomach but that was all. Quickly the tabels turned and Luffy was fiighting a Fake Mingo and Bellamy while Law was getting beaten up by Doffy and Snot nose. Things were looking rather shitty...

{Gomen for a kinda short chapter!!! But I have been working really hard to update a butt load so ya. The next chapter will come out either a day after the next episode on one piece. Oh and no one should be reading this is your not on episode 700+ or youll be way lost. Um vote and comment if you want more. FYI I type on my computer then copy it to wattpad becasue I write better that way. Duces }

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