OVA Chapter 1- The shower incidnet

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{ A/N MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so I decided to have a sorta run off story that goes off from the plot a bit and this is the first. So if Chapters say Ova it means its not part of the one piece stroy line and is my own plot and such. I will still be doing the stroy line howver. But if you guys dont like it or think its too confusing tell me and I will take it down. }}

The Shower insident....

Echo yawned tired and beat from the last couple of days with no sleep. Her story had been gradually getting more and more needy. Every time she wanted to put the pencil down she remembered what she was going to do and that it needed this or didnt need that and maybe it would be better...It had consumed her.

"Maybe I should go take a shower and get my mind to ease off..." She spoke to no one and stared at her ceiling. "Ya...that sounds like a great idea." Her head nodded and Echo got up from her desk that was littered in papers and pencils and crubbled papers with messy writing ones. It looked like a storm had hit the desk. Echo walked out of her room and headed over to the showers. It was around dusk so Echo thought no one would be awake. As her mind wondered to things that only a tired and totally out of it Echo would think about. "I wonder..the sky is blue and so is the ocean...so does that make the earth in between a sandwich?" She spoke as if someone were listening but it was only her. It was always only her.

Echo grabbed the towle Jackets that Nami used and began to strip while the hot water got warmer. The heat on her tense muscles felt relaxing and had her stay in the their longer than ment. "It's not like you, to say sorry, I was waiting on a diffrent story." Echo began to sing with her eyes closed and water rushing down her body. "Are we having fun yet..." her voice went to a hum as the words slipped from her mind. "Maybe I could get some food too before anyone wakes up and be killing 2 birds with one stone..." She wondered. "Mmm...But I would be in the bath towel dress thing and if anyone wakes up then theyll see me..." She thought for a minute. "I'll just have to be quick!" Echo smiled to herself and finsihed rinsing out her hair. Minutes later the bluenett hopped out and zipped up the towel dress. Poking her head out of the room and making sure the deck was still sound asleep she zipped across to the kitchen and rummaged through the food. "Apples, pears, bread, some wierd tentical thing..." She mummbled as her hands dug deeper. "Nothing in the counters...onto the fridge." Echo opened the fridge door and saw the love of her life. Pancakes. With her fire she warmed them up and Quickly grabbed a plate and took 4 pancakes adding some syrup on. It was brilliant. Echo finished her breakfast and most likly only meal of the day and went to go to her room when she felt an absence of something on her finger. Her ring.

With a swift turn around Echo headed back to the shower hoping that her ring was still with her frog pj's. But as Echo entered the shower she noticed that steam was still everywhere. "I'm pretty sure I opened the window...it should be cleared up by now." She mummbed to herself and went to the window wich was indeed still open. "Weird..did I leave the water on?" Echo retraced her steps and went back onto the shower and heard the water still running. Echo mentally slapped herself and went to turn it off when suddenly it shut off. "Is...is it automatic..?" Echo questioned as she stood still and thought. "No it cant be automatic because then it wouldnt have been on this long." With a sigh Echo headed out of the shower and back down to her room. Just as she reached her door she remembered why she had gone back to the shower in the first place. Her ring. So once again she turned around and went back to the shower. With her objective in mind Echo went to her folded up pile of pjs and grabbed the circular object that laid on top. Another sigh escaped Echo's lips as she turned to go back to her room. But instead she saw Law dripping wet with a towel around his neck and his pants on. "EEEPPP!!" Echo shrieked. Law turned around and saw her.

"Echo?" He asked skeptically. Law had many tattoos all over his body, from his back to his arms and cheast.. And Echo saw them all.

With a blush of embarrasement Echo turned away. "Okay, before this gets weird I was only here for my ring I didnt think anyone was up yet and I sure as hell didnt know anyone had been taking a shower." She quickly explained refusing to even glance at his bare skin. Then Echo thought about her own skin...that was mearly in a short towel dress that barely covered her butt. "and on that note I shoudl head out, Im very bussy and ya. Bye." Echo began to walk hastly to the door her face down so Law couldnt see her red and flusterd face.

"Oi. watch out for-"

But Law's warning was too late. Echo stepped on the bar of soap that had slipped out onto the floor and her body lurched forward. However instead of meeting hard wet floor she met Law. Wet but not hard. "S-...sorry." Echo apolaized as she tried to get up.

Law stared at Echo. "Its cool. Didnt think youd fall for me that hard though." His smirk danced on his lips at his cheesy and stupid line.

"I didnt mean to fall...I just wanted to.." Her voice trailed off as she stared at his face that seemed to cool with the akward situation. "That was cheesy." Her face formed a frown and stared at Law with a skeptical look of her own.

Law shrugged his shouldes. "Felt right for the situation." He stared at her eyes and for a moment no words were spoken and the two just stared. After a while Law cleard his throat. "So, Are we gonna stay like this all day?" He asked. Quickly Echo got off of him and helped him up.

"Sorry..Ahem..Well...uh. Thanks for catching me.' Echo slid her ring back onto her finger.

In response Law nodded his head. "So, what were you doing around the ship in that? Shouldnt you be in your room doing whatever it is you do?" Law asked as he went over to a pile of cloths and put on a t shirt that was yellow an had his pirate logo on it.

Echo remembered what she was in and tried to pull it down. "I was getting food and then went to my room but realized I forgot my ring. And you make it sound like I never leave me room." The frown came back. "Wich I do you just are never there to see it."

Law chuckled. "I saw you leave your room today." He pionted out. "And I'm not saying you dont I'm just pionting out that you rarely leave your room lately and Luffy says its normal but it aint. You dont eat for a long time, you dont seem to sleep, and you get-" Law cut himself short and rethought what he was going to say. "So what do you do in there?"

Echo rolled her eyes. "I've just been busy. And I'm glad your so observant. Anything else I should now about me Doctor?" She smirked sarcastically and crossed her arms.

Law shrugged his shoulders. "You talk to yourself a lot. Wich means your very intellecual but lonely. And sometimes talking to yourself isnt a good thing." Law said matter of factly and just like a doctor would say to his patient. Echo suddenly got very uncomfotable.

"I...It just..." She didnt know how to defend herself from this attack. "I talk to myself because then I feel like I'm not just there...like. Its hard to explain." Echo sighed exshasted with trying to explain. Law took a step forward and instantly his foot slipped on the bar of soap that had snuck up on Echo not to long ago. As he fell forward Echo went to catch him but ended up tripping over suds and landing hard on her arse with Law ontop of her. With a moun of pain Echo commented. "Offically the showers are the most dangerous thing on this damn ship, and we have cola bombs." Law laughed and Ech jined in.

"Hey Robin can you get me the bottle of lavender soap? I havnt used-" Nami stopped midsentence as she entered the showers in a towel and saw Law and Echo. Jumping off Law got back up.

Echo blinked for a moment confused. But then reality struck. "N-Nami! It isnt, wasnt,..its not what it looks like. Law and I had-" Nami cut her off.

"I knew it." Her eyes beamed with stars. "You two have been sneaking off everynight and now this!?" She moved in closer to Echo. "So how did it happen?"

Echo shook her head furiously. "Nami-san its not like that! I came back for my ring, saw Law, we talked, and then he slipped and I slipped!!!" Her words rushed out in one breath.

"Io, Echo...meet me in the infirmary at noon." Law ordered then walked out not a care in the world.

Nami's gleamed eyes shot back to Echo. "Spill." she spoke demonically.

Echo backed away from Nami scared of how scary she sounded. "I-its not like that...."

To be continued....

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