Chapter 15- Sabo's Story

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{Your gonna hate me but I wont go into detail about the battle and such because you can just watch the anime or read the manga and know. I just wanna catch up. Sorry I've been out for a bit. I have been going to doctors on and off and feeling sick and you get the jist of it. So here is another chapter. Please don't be too mad at me}

Echo couldn't follow Luffy's battle much but she knew Luffy was winning and then wasn't. She couldn't see Law as her focus was purely on slowing the strings. The pirates below had helped also with slowing the string. Viola-San had taken the whole group to a rooftop and Echo cursed. 

"How can that bastard control these damn strings!!?" She yelled frustrated. No one answered her. 

Rebecca stalked over to Echo. "Those scars on your back...why did you get them?" She asked softly so no one could hear. 

"By refusing commands. By fighting. Each one has a different story. And each story scares me. It makes me wonder just who I am. Other slaves...they listened and tried hard not to keep beat. Me though.." Echo's words died off. She was going into detail about something she wasn't asked about. Rebecca stood their silently listening and Echo continued realizing it was alright now. "I refused whenever I could. I worked so hard to send the message that I wasn't just some Gods object. And yet he still thinks of me as such." Echo laughs was rough. She was glad for the distraction for a moment. Her own strings were beginning to break. The bluenett faced Law. "How are you doing?" She asked. 

Law looked at her his face serious and roughed up. "I'm fine thanks to you. Your such an idiot." He responded a slight smirk present on his face. "Fighting for whats precious to you?" He asked. "Sounds like Corazon.." 

Echo's eyes went wide and her face grew hot and she knew it was red. "I am just saying that your important to me. Just like Luffy and Zoro and Robin and the crew and..." She replied. 

"Being compared to your brother. What every guy wants to hear." Law teased her. It was rare for it to happen but it did none the less. Echo then remembered certain events that had happened on the ship when they were sailing to Dressrosa and she felt embarrassed. 

"I'm not comparing you to my little brother. I'm just saying you're important to me." Echo replied not able to look at Law anymore. It was days ago they had kissed...her thoughts should have been focused elsewhere but the scene ran around in her head. Echo had been kissed before but that was different. It was...

She stopped her thinking right then and there. "Just change the subject already Law." Echo commanded. In thats moment her strings broke and she lost control and they vanished. Echo went to one knee as she gasped for air. The birdcage strings picked up their speed. Echo huffed. "Sorry..I couldn't keep it going much longer..." She apologized. Law's long hand grabbed her forehead and pulled Echo towards him so she was laying on his lap. 

"You did great. Get some rest now." He ordered. His eyes were the same as they had always been. Dark colored but filled with light that was hard to see at first. "We'll wake you when this is all over." He told her. 

Echo nodded her head and fell asleep almost instantly. When she woke back up it was because she heard an annoying door's hinges squeak. She was in a small house with the rest of their posse. The 5 members of her crew and then the samurais and the soldier and of course Law. Echo looked at Luffy who layed asleep in bed all bandaged up. He had won. 

Sabo sat on the bed and smiled at Echo. "Still want to talk?" He asked. 

Franky, Zoro, Robin, and the samurais were all still awake The others fast asleep. Echo got teary eyes and stood up and walked over to Sabo and grasped him into a hug. "Of course you idiot." She replied her voice cracking. 

Sabo was alive. He was really here. She didn't imagine it. Sabo began to tell that he had lost is memories and Dragon had taken him in. 

"It was Ace's death that trigger my memories to return. I remembered him and Luffy and the times we had shared. I remembered Echo getting chased out by the kids in the city because you would always be mean to them and insult them. It all came back to me 2 years ago." Sabo explained. 

Echo hit the blond on the head. "Jeezus. You never thought to come say hi?" She growled. "I thought you were dead...I thought Luffy was the last family I had. Do you realize how much of an idiot you are? Your stupid freaking head forgot all about us.." She scolded him. "However...I'm so happy. Your alive and you remember." 

Sabo smiled. "I'm happy to. And it seems you fit well for once." The blond then grinned mischievously. "And that you have something you want to protect." He gestured to Law. "I heard about how you were an even bigger idiot than me and nearly died."

"So you and Law really are together." Franky confirmed. 

Echo grew red. "What? No." She rejected. "And you can hush it. I can tease you about Koala girl and I wont be nice." Echo threatened Sabo. 

After a few minutes Sabo completed his story and some members were left in tears. He handed Zoro a vivre card for Luffy and took some. "Take care of Luffy for me." He said before he left. 

The small home went quit except for the snores of every single person asleep. Echo even heard Law snore and smiled. Suddenly she remembered something and raced out of the doors where she saw Sabo standing a few yards away as he put up his communicating snail. She ran over to him and grabbed a hug from behind. He had become taller than her somehow. 

"Please don't ever die on me again...I don't want my family to keep dying." She sobbed. 

Sabo  smiled slightly and turned around his hands on her shoulders. "Echo D. Law. Not a bad ring." He teased. 

Echo laughed. "Alright. Sabo Koala girl. See you around." She turned around and walked back to the house. The navy would be coming any moment or any day and she didn't want to be seen by the enemy. 

"Of course. Take care Echo." 

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