Chapter 10-Can I ever be free?

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Echo's memories- Age 20

Echo stood beside Kozar with no emotion on her face. Kozar sat at the dining hall with company. About 7 other older men were sitting and also eating with someone standing beside them like puppets. Echo hated how World Nobel's treated everyone else. As if they were merely play things that you could rough up when angry. Dolls you wanted for your bedroom, just to stand and look pretty. Echo stood their with a collar around her neck like a pet.

"Jaceline here is the head of the household staff and knows how to give orders or take them." A round bellied man with black hair and a unibrow so huge it covered his eyes started. Beside him stood a young girl about 16 with black wavy hair and green eyes. She wore a maid outfit. Echo saw the other Nobel's eye Jaceline with greedy eyes. This dinner was a trade off in disguise.

A tall but still rounded man piped up. "Carlos here is an excellent chief and butler. He can have the manor done in an hour at max." Carlos bowed. He was also a tall man and slender with brown hair. And with those two announcements the trading began. Kozar sat silently eating his meal as though the world around him wasn't trading off slaves. Minutes passed and Echo made a tch sound wich made everyone who was speaking freeze and look over at her

"Did the slave just make a sound of distaste?" One asked clearly offended and roused.

Kozar sighed and looked at the nobels in his usual lax manor. "I believe she did." He replied a frown edged onto his face.

"How dare you! Don't you know your place you worthless garbage!!!" The same nobel raged as he brought out a whip and flung it at Echo, who easily dodged. The action only sent the man into more rage.

Echo frowned and grabbed the whip yanking it away from the pot bellied man. "Careful with this you might hurt yourself." She commented and threw it back.

The nobel grabbed it his face red with fury and flung again. "Silence you wrench!" He screamed. Echo went to dodge but found that she could not move. Instantly her eyes flashed to Kozar who stared at her in disappointment. Silently she cursed and the whip smacked its target right in the stomach. Echo knew their would be bruising. The nobel roared, "Kozar this bitch is to be locked up ad beaten until near death!"

"Is to be?" Kozar replied with an eyebrow raised. "Mr. Yamataki I believe that choice is mine to make not yours. And frankly Echo here will get whats coming to her." He shot her a silent message. 'You will be dealt with' it seemed to say.

'What else is new?' Echo's eyes seemed to respond back.

----------A week later now in Echo's POV-----------------------

"Echo, you are going to acompany me to ReedWrash Island, where going to finish a deal!!" Kozar yelled walking into the kitchen with muddy shoes, the place where I currently cleaned.

I turned around and saw the mess and 2 suitcases. "WHAT THE HELL!!!?" I yelled pissed. "I JUST CLEANED THERE YOU BASTARD!!!" I raged and through my wash cloth at his face. "And I'm not going anywhere." I added turning around to pick up the bucket of dirty sud water. Kozar peeled off the dirty rag and yelled at me;

"You cant talk to me like that!!!" Kozar stomped like a 5-year-old. "Besides I said your going so your going!"

I humphed. "Like hell. I'm busy Kozar Go find someone else." As I addressed him by his name rather than Master-Sama Kozar got an irk mark. I had been with this bastard for years now and frankly I was sure as hell still trying to find an escape route. The moment I escaped I would become an awesome pirate and beat the pudding out of this guy!

"Your going." He stated back to his normal lazy ass tone. My guess is his bipolar ass had enough fighting with me.

Instead of answering him I grabbed my rag and walked past him to go and clean something else. I was intent on not going. With him gone I would have a great chance of escaping and by the time he returned I would be long gone. Already in the 3 years I had aquainted 2 new abilities. Shadows from dear Vampire guy who could raise the dead, and wind from a weird man I had met when I was out in a town shopping. He had been running away from something and knocked into me and I got his power so ya me. Kozar however didn't know about them. 

"I'll make you." He replied smirking walking behind me.

"Try." I retorted and continued on my way.

Suddenly I couldn't move and I clenched my teeth. "Oi bastard let me go." I spoke and looked at Kozar who stared at me.

"Are you going with me?" He asked his voice full of authority.

"No" I Plaintively replied with my teeth grinding together.

Kozar then was in front of me a small smile on his face. Like always when he moved I didn't hear or see him. "I wont make you wear the collar." He bargained.

"No. I know your weakspots. You cant make me go unless I agree verbaly." I shot at him as my body got stiff and aching.

The man sighed and looked at me. "You really want to escape that bad? Run from this place?" He asked. Tooken off guard by his question I gave no answer. My body was released. "Fine. I'll give you a minute head start. You know where the door is. Start running and If I catch you, you have to go." He grinned and I stared at him disbelieving but only for a moment because I ran to the door and sent whirlwinds everywhere to maybe buy me more time while I quickly grabbed the few belongings I had in my backpack. Once outside I ran to the cliffs and saw what I normally saw when out here, endless sea. Why had I ran? Did I think there would be a boat? I was stupid to hope.

"Minutes up." Kozar informed me as he showed up in front of me. "Nifty trick making the house a mess." He commented.

My heart raced and I felt as though my entire world was falling apart. Grabbing my head I yelled. "NO!!!! You cant do that!? I had no chance with the stupid water!!!" I yelled and suddenly I saw Luffy, he was at sailing a few hundred miles away. I had an ability back from the chamber. "Take me to Luffy!!!" I screamed to the wind and at my command was hoisted up into the air and flying above the water. I didn't look back at Kozar to see his shocked face. I was free!!!! He couldn't get me from all the way up here.

Minutes passed and I landed on Luffy's ship where he sat on a Lions Head aka the headmast. "Oi Luffy!!" I called out and he turned to see me.

"Echo!!!" He grinned and wrapped me in a hug. His crew mates stood dumbfounded at my arrival.

Sometime later after I had stayed with Luffy for a while and found out the bounty on my head had been raised to the most wanted. I left and on my way I heard about Ace's death. At the battle grounds where the aftermath was getting cleaned up and Luffy was missing I went and Shanks along with many other pirates were there talking to the Marines.

"Its Echo! The sleeping Dragon!!!" The Marines and Pirates yelled my name as I stood where Ace had been.

"Baka.." I said as salt water tears ran down my face. "Ace your such an Idiot!' I cried. "I thought you were going to become a pirate in the new world and have adventures and see Luffy grow up!!!" I had yelled not careing that snails were recording me, or that the strongest in the world were watching me. "We were supposed to dance on teasures like Kings...Baka! Baka! Baka!!" I yelled and yelled. Ace had left me right when I was free. Did it even count as free when the mark still stung at the memories? I fell to my knees and bawled furiously.

Shanks walked up to me and told me the funeral was theirs to have. I dried my eyes and stood up.

I never got to say goodbye....

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