Chapter 4- A drink to Dressrosa

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Chapter 4- Drink to Dressrosa

Third POV-

Echo and the crew celebreated the return of Ceasar becasue turns out that Moji (Aka Breed) Had captured him and Echo so Luffy, Chopper, and Law went to retrieve them and got captured themselves. Echo thought it was pretty stupid to have all devil fruit eaters go becasue if something bad would have happned to them in the water they would be screwed. Luffy thought nothing of it and just ate his meat.

"Hey Sanji I want some sushi!!" Ussop yelled being overly happy. The atmosphere was carefree and happy. Echo loved the feelings that washed over her as she sat down and ate an apple. Despite the day she wasnt Hungry.

Sanji came out with plates and glared at Ussop. "Shut up!! Only the ladies get to request food!" He shouted and Echo laughed at his one track mind.

"Ssssuuupperrr Cola!!!" Frankly cheered as he took out a barrel marked Cola and began to chug it. His hair was curled and looking like a hippie. Chopper was talking to Robin about doctor stuff that Echo guessed only Robin, Law, and Chopper know. Momonosko sat on Nami's lap while Kinemon ran around in his samari robes calling his son a traitor and other things that was perverted on so many levels.

"Oi...lets have a drinking contest!!" Zoro yelled and brought up a huge cup of sake. "Winner gets to do one thing without consequences!!" Echo looked over and saw Zoro was already drunk.

Nami yelled from across the deck. "Does that count talking more money!?" Echo heard her get up and walk over to Zoro.

"Hey If I win I get to fight Echo for real!!" Luffy yelled also joining the party.

"Hey why drag me into this!!!??" Echo yelled walking over and sitting next to Luffy and Nami.

Luffy grinned. "Because I wann a fight you." He spoke innoncetly and Zoro gave equal amounts of Sake to everyone that joined the contest. When Zoro said go everyone gulped it down. Well Except for Luffy, he spit it all out. "AHHHH THATS NASTY!!!!" He yelled over dramaticly and got up to go eat more meat. Echo sighed already knowing that Luffy didnt like alchole.

More Sake was poured and slowly Nami became drowzy. The moon rose higher up and Franky, Chopper, Luffy, Ussop, and Robin were already fast asleep. That left Nami, Echo, Zoro, Law, and Brook. "I..give up.." Nami mouned and got up from the tabel to go to bed. Law was no where to be seen.

Zoro gave Echo an entire bottle an he grinned. "Whoever drinks it all first wins." Echo smiled her face pink from being drunk. Zoro was confidant he would win. "Go!" Both took the bottle and began to chug. Zoro was definatly a better drinker than Echo but Echo didnt like to lose so with a chocking glub Echo finsihed the bottle before Zoro.

"Kompai!!! I win!!!" She grinned and cheered while Zoro admitted defeat then went to bed so he could do the night shift in a couple hours. Echo giggled uncontrolably for a few more minutes then went back to just smiling like an Idiot. "Nay Brook-San" Echo got the skeletons attention. "Do you do song requests?" She asked.

"Hai Echo-san. What song would you like?" Brook asked politly. Echo thought it was a contradictory becasue he was a pervert.

Thinking she answered. "I dont know...theirs a song going through my head but I dont know what it is." She spoke soflty and honestly. The booze in her system made her feel happy and think only of the present. And weird things like where Law was.

"Sing it to me and maybe I'll know it." Brook thought and he took out his violin.

Echo through herself back and layed down on the grass. "Okay.." She took a few seconds to get the melody. "The rooms Hush, Hush and nows our moment. Take it in, take it in, something somethin arms wide open. Eye on you eyes on me. Where doing this right. Cause Lovers dance when their feeling in love. This is a feeling I've never felt before..It alllll, about us." She stopped not able to rememeber the rest. "So do you know it?" She asked Brook.

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