Sleepless Night

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Your POV

I woke up to screaming and thrashing next to me. Jack was having a nightmare

"Jack!! Jack wake up please" I started to hug him and he slowly calmed down. Soon he started to wake up

 "Huh y/n what happened?"

" You had a nightmare and started screaming and fighting in your sleep."

"Oh" he sounded really upset.

"Do you wanna talk about?"

He shook his head and said "Not really."

"Oh okay, when your ready I'll be here ." I said before laying back down to go back to sleep.

"Okay good night y/n" he said stroking my hair.

Eyeless Jack POV

I sat there stroking y/n hair while she slept thing about the nightmare I had. The past when I became like this. The torture I went through after becoming this. Everything seemed to be flowing through my head. Then I heard y/n faint whimpers in her sleep. A small smile tugged on my lips. Then I remembered when she saved me. The girl who was curious then saved the monster. At least not all of it was bad. Now I have her here with me and nothing will ruin it.

Unchained (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ