New Life

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Your POV

After our little laughing fit Jack decided it was time for us to get dressed. I looked at him and said "Jack I don't have any clothes. Remember you kidnapped me." He looked at me and said "Oh right." He went in his closet and pulled out some jeans and a black t shirt and gave them to me. "Here these should do, I'll go and find you some clothes tonight." I nodded and headed to the bathroom. I made sure no one was in there this time and got in the bath.When I got out I went back to EJ's room and he was lying in bed reading a medical book. He glanced over at me and said "It's time to go get ready to meet everyone else." I looked at him in confusion "wait there are more of you here." He nodded and took my hand and led me to the dining room area.

There was already a group of people sitting down and Jeff: 3.I sat in between jack and a boy that looked like link from legend of legend of Zelda except his eyes were black with red irises and he looked like he was crying blood. 'I wonder if that hurts.' Across from me there was a clown that was black and white. He had pale skin, a black and white cone nose, black claws, and shaggy black hair. Sitting next to him was a girl that had black eyes, wavy black hair paper white skin and she was wearing a black dress. Next to her was a little girl with emerald green eyes and a pink nightgown and wavy brown hair. On the other side of the clown there was the guys from the forest, I think their names were hoodie and masky.

Soon the tall pale creature walked into the room and sat breakfast in front of us and he then said "Good Morning children, we have a new guest that will be staying with us and her name is y/n. Please make her feel welcomed." After he said that everyone started eating. After breakfast everyone introduced me to themselves and headed to what they do during their normal day. Of course Jeff was giving me death glares from what happened this morning.

So right now I'm in the living room with Ben playing video games. "Hey no fair you keep glitching my character. You are such a cheater." He chuckled and said "No I'm not you just such." I glared at him and Jack walked into the room with slender man. He then said "Hey y/n me and slender man have something to show you." "Okay, see ya Ben."

I walked over to jack and slender man and we went down the hall. "So what do you have to show me?" Jack looked at me and then back down the hallway and said "Your new room." We got to a door that had my name carved into it. They opened the door to my room ( and it was awesome I loved it. Jack asked me "Do you like it" and I nodded my head yes. He chuckled and we went into the room and sat on the bed and slender man went back into his office. Me and Jack sat in my new room and talked for a little bit and he then left saying he had to take care of something. I laid on my new bed 'Guess this is my new life'

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