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I had a chance to look around and we were in his and hoodies room. He had his mask off and he seemed really upset. "Y/n I need to talk to you about what happened. I" I cut him off by saying "Masky I don't blame you so if that's what your going to say then stop, and if your worried about Jack then I think I have something that can help with that." I gave him a big cheesy smile and his mood lightened up a bit. He gave me a small nod and walked out of the room. I followed him out and when I turned around there was a furious Jack standing there. Before he could say anything I pushed him into his room and close the door. "What were you doing in his room?" he growled. "Calm down he was just trying to talk because he felt bad for what happened with the rake." His face lightened up a bit but I could tell he was still mad. "EJ can you please go talk to him. This anger that your carrying is pointless. If you want to blame anyone you should blame me because I wanted to be left alone outside. Masky wanted to stay with me but I told him I was okay," He was still upset I huffed in frustration and said "Fine if you wanna be this way then I have no choice." I snatched the key to his room off his dresser and ran out of the room and locked his door. He started banging on his door screaming "Y/n what the hell are you doing?" "You'll thank me later I yelled back."

I ran downstairs and grabbed Masky and dragged him back upstairs with me. "Y/n what are you doing?" Masky asked confused. " Helping you with EJ" I replied back. We stopped in front of EJ's door, I opened it and EJ was lying on his bed with his back turned to me. "What do you want y/n" "You know you can't stay mad at me forever, by the way I have a present for you." Then I pushed Masky in the room "Y/n what the" "Y/n what's he doing in here" EJ growled. "I need you two to talk and make up. Neither of you are leaving this room until that happens. Bye" I said the last part cheerfully, then closed and locked the door. I walked to my room and shut the door hoping those two would get along again.

Eyeless Jack POV

I swear when I get out of here I am going to get that girl. I looked at Masky and he was still standing at the door. I could tell he was uncomfortable by the way he was standing. "So are you going to stand there or sit down. We're going to be in here for awhile knowing y/n." Masky walked over to the desk and pulled out a chair and sat down. "So do you want to talk about what happened" Masky asked. "I already know what happened y/n told me. So I'm sorry for misjudging the situation and blaming you." I looked away from Masky I'm nit use to apologizing so this whole situation was kind of weird to me. " So what do you wanna do now?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know I really don't have anything in here to really past time except my TV, I haven't really watched it." "Sure" I turned on the TV and we waited for y/n to come let us back in.

Your POV

It's been about 20 minutes and I think they probably made up by now. I walked to EJ's room unlocking the door. When I looked in the room EJ and Masky were watching TV together. I smiled at the sight ' They are finally getting along again.' Masky was the first to notice I was at the door "So I guess I'm out since were free. See ya later EJ, y/n" Jack just waved and Masky left without another word. EJ got up from his bed and walked towards me. "I believe you have something of mine" he said holding his hand out. I put the key in his hand and he grabbed me and pulled me towards him. He gave me a quick kiss and said "Thank you for that and don't ever lock me in my own room again or I'll have to punish you." "What ever you say Jackson" I giggled. "Don't call me that" EJ growled. "Alright Jackson" "Y/n" EJ growled and I ran out the room and EJ close behind me.

Unchained (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu