Lovely Gifts

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Eyeless Jack POV

I went into y/n's room to find her asleep on her bed. I pulled out te small box from my pocket and sat it on her dresser where she can see it. I left her room and gently closed the door so I don't wake her, a small smile crept on my face while walking back to my room. 'Hope she likes it.'

Your Pov

I heard someone come in my room, so I pretended like I was asleep. I hope it's not Jeff again. They weren't there to long because I heard them leave shortly after. I opened my eyes to find a small black box on my dresser. Opening it I found a beautiful necklace ( It was gorgeous,I who gave me this. There was a small note inside and it said:

A necklace to show that you will always be mine


I could feel the blush on my face then I remembered when did I become his. I shrugged it off and put the necklace on. I went to go find Ej to thank him for the necklace. I saw Jane walking down the hallway and asked" Hey Jane have you seen EJ." She nodded her head 'yes' and said "I think he went to his room." I nodded my head and said "okay, thanks. " and ran off to his room.

When I got there I knocked on his door and waited for him to open it. The door opened slightly and Ej poked his head out of the door and he din't have his mask on. He seemed to be focused on the necklace I have on. "Oh your wearing it. I din't think you would." He said with a mixture of happiness and sadness in his voice. He then let me into his room and we sat on his bed.

"Why did you think that I wouldn't wear it " I questioned. He looked down and said "I din't think you would like it."I put my hand on his shoulders and said "I love it because it's beautiful and because you gave it to me. Thank you."

Eyeless Jack POV

I din't think she would wear it. A wave of happiness hit me. It was an awkward silence at first.and then I caught myself leaning into a kiss our lips only inches apart. She was doing the samething. Our lips finally connected and it felt so right. I didn't want this moment to end until we had to stop to breath.

I looked at her to see her blushing. My heart racing from what just happened. Then she.stood up and said " I uh have to go see you later EJ." The blush still on her face she left the room. I laid back on my bed my heart still racing from the kiss. I hope it wasn't to soon.

Your POV

I hurried back to my room and closed the door. i sat on my hed and touched my lips. Did that really just happen. I kissed EJ, a big smile appeared on my face. Man today was a great day.

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