Chapter 15 Let it Drift Away

Start from the beginning

"I will have what is mine!" He bellows.

A sturdy hit to the skull makes me lose control.

Malekith doesn't pull the Aether out; he rips it out. It tears through my bones, my veins, my flesh; it destroys relentlessly.

My body no longer takes the pain, and the world slowly fades away.


I sit up quickly, sucking in as much air as I can.

I let out a slight cough before noticing all the dust and blood surrounding me.

"No, this can't be-"

A pair of bright eyes stands away from the dark nose that stares at me.

"I see you're back." I say to the small wild dog, which has not changed from the first time I came here.

It tilts its head and thumps its tail on the ground.

"Are you my spirit guide?" I ask sarcastically.

The dog continues to thump its tail.

"This must be what crazy individuals, such as myself, do for fun. We speak to spirit dogs that reside in a world where nothing but dust remains."

The dog perks its ears toward me.

"That's right, I'm talking to you. Not that you're going to talk back."

The dog quickly turns its head to the left.

I quickly stand up, "Lead me to what I seek."

The dog stands with me and trots away.

"That was unsettlingly easy." I grumble to myself.

I follow after the dog, which takes me an immeasurable distance. No matter how far we go, or how many steps we take, we don't show any signs of exhaustion, or thirst, or hunger.

The dog sniffs the ground and quickly scurries away, leaving me and the barren landscape on which my boots reside behind.

I sigh, "And I thought that we had something."

A beam of light flashes across my eye, almost blinding me.

I look down for its source, and I see a pale gem lying in the dust. The grey surface flickers in the light. I grab the stone and brace myself.

The stone doesn't burn at my flesh, but it burns at my soul. I can feel the stone cling to me in a way that the other two didn't. A way that the others couldn't. I can feel it mend to my soul, the two merging, becoming permanently attached. I fall to my knees as the stone finishes its attachment.

I take a few breaths as I realize where I am. I am still in the Dark World. I am still in Malekith's world. And I need to leave.

I get to my feet and start walking.

I follow my footprints back to my original location, the blood and dust still lying there, but nothing else remains. No signs of the small battle between me and Malekith.

No signs that they tried to save me.

They left me.

My breath hitches. They just left me lying in the dust. Even if I were dead, did I not earn an honorable burial? I've defended Asgard with my life for as long as I was able to. They left me. I deserve better. I've earned a better fate than this.

"How dare they." I growl.

I run from the sight, I run as far as I can from it, and I stumble across a small cave.

I can feel something is 'off'. I continue to walk into the cave, and suddenly I pass through a portal to Midgard. I'm in a very rainy area, presumably London. The cars drive on the left side of the road, and there's a slight chill to the air.

My armor shimmers and fades away. I look down to tall brown boots with thin black pants. Along with a heavy grey button down coat that almost reaches my knees. Delvameg turns into a thin black umbrella as I walk down the street.

"No way." A voice calls out from across the street.

I continue walking.

"Hey! Wait!" The voice calls again.

A young man runs across the road, avoiding a car and running up beside me, "You're one of them! Can I get a picture?"

I turn to the young man and shake my head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, you were in New York."

I sigh, "Sir, I don't know you, and I certainly don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on. You're an Avenger! You fought next to Captain America and Hulk! You're awesome! You even have your own action figure!"

I chuckle, "You people are so weird."

"Ah-ha!" He points at me, "You just admitted that you're not from Earth!"

I roll my eyes, "Fine, just, make it quick."

He pulls out his phone and holds it in front of us; I put on a fake smile and let him take the picture, "None of my friends are going to believe me."

"Have a nice day." I say, walking away.

"Hey! Hold on!" The young man calls, running after me.

"I let you take the picture. Leave me be." I say.

"Come on, just let me walk with you."


"I can help you."

I keep walking silently.

"Come on, don't be a hard-ass."

I turn around, "I'm only going to say this once: I am future Queen of Asgard, I can and will kill you with no trace if you do not stop bothering me."

His eyes widen and he falls back as I walk away.

The ground begins to shake violently. I stop and gain my balance on the inconsistent ground. A roar can be heard throughout the city. Screams echo between buildings.

I run to what I can decipher is the source, following the trails of people running away from whatever incident is happening.

A large black ship occupies the sky. The same ship that had met us in the dark world, the same ship that brought Malekith, the same ship I am going to destroy.

This is your author speaking, thank you for staying with me this far.
I really appreciate all the reads. I'm almost to 500 reads. I finished my second project (although I'm still posting it piece by piece) so I'll be back to regular updates soon. YAY. Please vote and such. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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