Chapter 19

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Niall POV
"Niall, Harry is on his way home" Troye said to me while looking at his phone. I'm assuming Harry texted him. I was waiting for Harry and Troye was waiting for his boyfriend Connor.

"I'll get it" Troye said as he got up to answer whoever just knocked. I quickly turned my head when I heard Troye squeal like a girl. I noticed him hugging a boy. He had dark blondish hair that was up in a quiff. I'm guessing that's his boyfriend Connor.

"Niall this is my boyfriend, Connor." He said. I shook my head knowingly while greeting Connor with a handshake.

"Nice to meet you" He said with a smile. Shortly after, Harry walked through the door. He immediately stopped once he noticed me. It looked like he was scared to speak. I smiled at him nervously which caused him to relax a bit.

"Hey Harry, can we talk outside?" I asked. He just nodded in response before walking back outside of the door. I excused myself from Troye and Connor before following Harry outside. Once I got outside, Harry was already seated on the patio chairs. I decided to take a seat next to him.

"I guess I owe you an explanation?" He said sounding uncertain. I just nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Niall it's not that I don't trust you. It's just that I'm so scared that one day you'll find someone more attractive or someone who makes you happier than me. I don't want to lose you again."

My heart broke at Harry's words. I would never do anything like that to him. I love Harry with all my heart. Even when he hurt me in the past, I was never able to stop thinking about him. There was always some hope in the bottom of my heart that we would end up together and I don't want to ruin what we have.

"Why didn't you just talk to me Harry?" I asked while putting my hand on his leg comfortingly.

"You know I've never been that great with expressing my emotions" He said simply. I nodded in agreement. Harry was never really the type to speak about how he really felt about things. He felt like people would make fun of him for feeling certain things.

"Harry if this relationship is gonna last, we're going to have to communicate these kind of things to each other. I love you Harry. Of course there are gonna be times where I may find someone attractive but that is never going to change how I feel about you. No one on this earth can make me feel the happiness I feel when I'm with you" I said with sincerity in every one of my words. Harry looked at me lovingly before pulling me in for a deep passionate kiss.

"I love you so much Niall Horan"

Next Day

Calum POV
"Strike again!" I yelled while fist pumping victoriously. I was currently at a bowling alley with Michael, Luke, and Ashton. I gotta say, we were all extremely surprised to see Ashton out of the hospital so quickly. I was worried at first but he assured us that it was okay for him to leave so we all decided to come out and have some fun like old times.

"You're just lucky" Michael said.

"Someone is a hater" I replied while sticking my tongue out at him causing Luke and Ashton to laugh.

"Okay who's next?" I asked before sitting back down on the chair.

"Meee" Luke said excitedly before getting his bowling ball. I sat back and watched lovingly at my boyfriend as he focused on the bowling pins in front of him.

"Fuck!" He yelled as his bowling ball missed every single pin. Michael started laughing his ass off while Ashton hid his face so Luke didn't see him laugh too. I just gave Luke a hug and a quick kiss to comfort him.

"Aww how cute" Ashton said as he got up to bowl next.

"Strikeee!" He said as he started jumping up and down. We all laughed at him but immediately stopped when he fell to the floor suddenly.

"Ashton?!" Luke screamed while running over to him with Michael and I right behind him.

"Oh crap he's unconscious! I think he passed out" Luke said while starting to panic. I fished my phone out of my pocket and quickly dialed the ambulance.

"Let's just take him to the hospital ourselves. It's right down the street" Michael said. I nodded in agreement and hung up my phone. We all carried Ashton's unconscious body to my car before taking him to the hospital.

"Help! Our friend needs immediate medical attention" Luke yelled as we ran though the hospital doors. The medics came quickly and put Ashton on the stretcher while rushing him to the back.

"Is he going to be okay?!" I asked the doctor who was about to follow the medics to the back.

"He should be fine. Just wait out here until further notice." He directed us. The three of us took a seat in the waiting room anxiously. I just hope Ashton is going to be okay.

Luke POV
Saturday, September 5 at approximately 8:45 pm, my best friend Ashton Fletcher Irwin passed away. I would love to try to explain how I feel but I can't. No more of us hanging out or talking on the phone. No more of us laughing at the dumbest things. No more anything. I'm still holding on to some hope that this is just some twisted dream that I'll wake up from eventually. But whether I want to admit it or not, this is reality. My best friend is dead.


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