Chapter 17

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Niall POV
"Nice to meet you Troye" I said with a small smile. Troye responded with a smile of his own and sat back down on his bed.

"So what are you guys up to?" He asked looking at me and Harry.

"Well actually we were watching The Titanic but it's almost over. Wanna come to the park with us to hang? It'll give you and Niall a chance to get to know each other." Harry suggested. I nodded in agreement.

"Sure thing" Troye said with a smile. A cute smile, if I might add. Troye got up from his bed to brush his hair. I watched him intently as he attempted to put his hair into a quiff. It was quite funny honestly. I could tell he was getting slightly frustrated because his hair wasn't being so cooperative. It was quite entertaining to watch.

"Ni, what are you staring at?" Harry asked looking at me confusedly. Crap! I didn't realize I was looking at Troye that long.

"I..uh..nothing. I was just in deep thought" I said. Okay maybe that was a lie but I'm hoping Harry doesn't push it. But of course, I have bad luck.

"It looks more like you were staring at Troye" Harry remarks mostly under his breath. I opened my mouth to respond until Troye interrupted.

"Okay guys. I'm ready" He said as he looked over at me and Harry. Harry just nodded and grabbed my hand while walking toward the front door.

Luke POV
I felt a lump form in my throat. Did I just hear Ashton say he has brain cancer? How could this have happened? How did he not tell us? So much questions are going through my head and suddenly my vision gets blurry as I feel tears well up in my eyes. Calum grabbed my hand and tried to give me a reassuring nod but I can tell he was fighting back tears as well. I looked over at Mikey and he looked like he was going to break down at any minute. I've never seen him like this.

"Guys please don't be sad. I need you guys to be strong for me. I'm gonna beat this thing." Ashton said reassuringly while looking at all of us.

"How severe is it?" Calum asked with his voice shaking. Ashton looked down at his lap almost as if he was afraid to look at our expressions.

"The doctors say I only have a couple of months left." He said still looking down at his lap. At that point Michael completely lost it and started bawling on the the floor. Calum and I ran over to him to try to calm him down but he pushed us away. Tears were falling freely down my face and Calum was a wreck as well.

"Guys please don't do this." Ashton pleaded sounding like he was going to cry as well.

"What the hell do you expect Ashton?! You're dying for fucks sake!" Michael exclaimed through his tears.

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Ashton screamed at Michael causing Calum and I to stand at attention. "Just go" Ashton said to us with a small voice. I wanted to plead with him for us to stay but I decided that it was best for us to give him his space. This was a huge pill to swallow for us so I can't even imagine how he must feel right now. Calum and I reluctantly walked to the door with Michael right behind us.

"I'm not letting this beat me" Ashton said almost like he was talking to himself. I smiled a small smile. Ashton has always been a fighter and he never gave up on anything. I respect him so much for that and now I respect him a hundred times more.

"We love you Ash. We'll be back" Calum said before leading Michael and I out of the door.

Niall POV
"So tell me more about yourself Niall." Troye said directing his attention to me. Harry, Troye, and I were currently sitting by the pond at the nearby park in the neighborhood. So far we've just been talking and enjoying each others company.

"Well I'm from Ireland. I to eat. I'm currently a senior in high school and last but certainly not least, I'm in love with a dork named Harry Styles." I said while looking at Harry. Harry gave me a wink and Troye smirked. It was sort of a cocky smirk. I wasn't sure why he smirked but whatever.

"Well I think you guys make a great couple." He said while throwing a pebble in the pond. I analyzed him as he mindlessly threw pebble after pebble into the water. The way he stared at the water in concentration. He had the same look of concentration when he was fixing his hair. It was kind of...cute.

"Oh crap, my boss just texted me. He needs me immediately at the coffee shop" Harry said suddenly. "Are you two going to be okay by yourselves for a while?" He asked mostly looking me.

"Uh, yeah sure. Just don't be too long" I said. Harry nodded and gave me a quick peck on the lips before heading to the shop. I looked back over to Troye who was still throwing pebbles in the pond.

"Why don't you just take a picture? It'll last longer." He said with a smirk while still focusing his attention at the pond. I gasped at his words.

"W-what are you t-talking about?" I asked while silently cursing myself for stuttering like an idiot. Troye stopped throwing pebbles and directing his attention to me.

"Oh c'mon Niall. I saw you staring at me when I was fixing my hair back home and now you're staring at me again." He said matter-of-factly.

"I don't know w-what you're talking about" I said trying to sound convincing. I think it's safe to say I failed miserably. Troye just laughed slightly and scooted over closer to me.

"Do you find me attractive Niall?" He asked with his face not too far from mine. I gulped and nodded yes slowly. Troye moved a little closer.

"Do you want to kiss me?" He asked seductively. I felt my palms start to get sweaty.

"I-I h-have a b-boyfriend" I said shakily.

"I didn't hear you say no" Troye said and he leaned in closer before attaching his lips to mine.

A/N: Story is gonna get spicier ;) Make sure to check out my Prologue for my new Story "Hiding My Heart" The Pairing is NUKE (Niall + Luke)

Love You Guys!!!

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