Chapter 13

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I looked over at Luke and he had the same expression as me, Fear. We had to tell Calum and Harry what happened or else the both of us would live with all that guilt and I wouldn't be able to do that and neither would Luke. Harry and Calum both stayed quiet for quite a while. Calum's expression was a shocked expression. I looked over at Harry and his expression was blank. It worried me that I had no idea what was going to happen now that we told them. Will Calum still love Luke and will Harry still love me?

"H-How did this happen?" Calum asked barely loud enough for us to hear. I looked over at Luke and decided to let him explain it to him.

"I-I don't know. It j-just happened Cal I'm so sorry." Luke said sounding like he was about to break down in tears. At that moment, I looked over to Harry but he still wasn't making eye contact with me which bothered me because I wasn't able to read his expression. I looked over once again to Luke and Calum and then I saw Calum walk towards the exit.

"I just need some time alone." He said before quickly leaving. At that point Luke started to break down but I rushed over to him and whispered something in his ear.

"Go and talk to him. Make it right." I said. Luke just looked at me and I gave him one more reassuring look before he left and went after Calum. I watched Luke leave before I slowly turned back around to Harry who was now sitting down with his face in his hands. I walked slowly over to him and sat down.

"Harry? Please talk to me." I pleaded desperate to know what was on his mind. Harry stayed quiet for a couple minutes before he finally spoke.

"Do you love him?" He asked quietly.

"Who Luke? Of course not. I love you" I said reassuringly.

"They why did you make out with him?" Harry asked sounding a bit frustrated.

"Because I was vulnerable Harry. I was still really caught off guard by you coming to my house and it just reminded me of how much I still love you. I love you Harry and only you. I'm sorry I made out with Luke but I promise it will never happen again."

Harry looked at me for the first time in what felt like forever as if he was trying to determine if I was being sincere or not.

"I can't stay mad at you and I can't blame you. I did a lot of wrong things to you in the past and you still forgave me so of I forgive you" Harry said as he gave me a small smile. A feeling of complete joy took over me and I gave Harry a huge hug. He hugged me back and I couldn't help but hope that Luke and Calum could make things right as well.

By the time I got outside to follow Calum, he had already driven off. Now he's nowhere to be found. I'm not gonna panic though. He said that he needed time to be think and I know exactly where he goes to do that so I started driving to a nearby park. As I got closer to the park, I spotted Calum's car and sighed in relief. I parked my car and quickly got out and started searching for Calum. I smiled a little as I spotted Calum standing in front of the small pond throwing stones.

"Hey" I said simply as I walked up to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked not bothering to turn around to look at me.

"I-I just thought that I would explain myself" I responded. Calum turned around to look at me. I saw hurt in his eyes and to be completely honest, it instantly broke my heart. Just knowing that I'm the reason for that hurt makes me want to curl up in a ball in a corner or something.

"You made out with Niall while naked. What's there to explain?" He asked trying to sound angry but I can tell he's just trying to cover up his hurt.

"You hurt me Calum. First we kiss and then I tell you that I loved you and you ditched me. I was vulnerable and Niall was there for me when you weren't. I feel horrible but please believe me when I tell you that I love you and only you."

"So the next time you feel alone and vulnerable, you're just gonna make out with someone else again?" Calum asked while staring at me skeptically.

"Be a good boyfriend and you won't have to worry about that" I said with a serious expression. Calum, however, was smiling a huge goofy grin.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You called me your boyfriend" He said still smiling that stupid grin that I fell in love with when we were four. I blushed in embarrassment not realizing that I called Calum my boyfriend.

"It's okay. Don't be embarrassed boyfriend" Calum said with a wink as he walked up closer to me and grabbed my hand. "Now let's do this correctly" He said as he put his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. This kiss was so much different than the last one. It was filled with so much love and passion. It sent fireworks all through my body. I know that sounds cliche but it's the truth.

"That was amazing" I said as Calum and I finally stopped kissing.

"Yeah it was" Calum said while reaching down and grabbing my butt firmly.

"Calum!" I exclaimed completely caught off guard by his actions.

"I've secretly wanted to grab your butt since we were four" He replied with a smirk.

"You're such a dork" I replied while laughing.

"I'm your dork"

A/N: It's a bit shorter than usual but the next couple of chapters are going to be be pretty eventful. :)

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