Chapter 15

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Calum POV
"Hey babe" Luke said as he sat down in his seat next to me. We were currently in math class waiting for our teacher to show up.

"Hey dork" I replied with a smirk. My comment earned me a smack upside my head by Luke.

"Ouch!" I said over dramatically while rubbing my head. Luke just shrugged and looked down at his phone after it notified that he had a text message.

"Niall wants to know if we can go over to Harry's place tonight so the four of us can hang out." He said while looking over at me for approval. I quickly nodded in excitement. "Sounds great" I said. Luke smiled and texted Niall back to tell him that we would go.

"Hey, where's Ashton?" I asked suddenly realizing that I hadn't seen him since this morning when he went back to his car claiming he would be right back.

"Uh, that's a good question. Maybe you should call him before the teacher gets here" Luke suggested. I nodded and quickly pulled out my phone to dial Ashton's number.

'Yo Ash, where are you dude? Class is gonna start any minute.'
'Oh, yeah I'm gonna skip school today. I'm not feeling too well.'
'Oh okay, well do you need anything?'
'Nah, I'm good.'
'Are you su-'
Call Disconnected

"What did he say?" Luke asked curiously while looking over at me.

"He said that he's skipping because he doesn't feel well....then hung up on me." I said still a little confused by Ashton's weird behavior.

"Don't you think he's been acting weird lately?" Luke asked almost as if he was reading my mind.

"Totally" I responded.

"Should we see what's up?" Luke asked.

"Let's just give him space. He'll tell us what's wrong when he's ready." I replied. Luke nodded but I can tell he's still worried about Ashton. I'm worried too but I think we should just give him space. He'll come around eventually.

Niall POV
I'm currently on my way to Harry's place to help him set up some stuff before Luke and Calum get there. I told them to be there for 8pm. Harry wanted to hang out with us so he can bond with Luke and Calum a little more since I'm sure that we're gonna be hanging out a lot now. Harry practically lives alone because his mom and dad travel a lot and his sister is already off in college.

"Harry? You in here?" I asked as I walked in the house. Oh, I forgot to mention he gave me a key. I really felt weird taking it but he insisted and I didn't wanna hurt his feelings by turning it down.

"Yeah, in the kitchen!" Harry yelled. I put my bag down and walked into the kitchen where Harry was. He was fumbling around the kitchen getting all the ingredients he needed to start making food.

"Hey sexy" I said with a smirk. Harry just smiled that cheeky smile I fell for so long ago and greeted me with a loving hug.

"Wanna help me with dinner?" He asked while going back to getting the ingredients together.

"Babe, my specialty is eating. Not cooking" I replied while laughing. Harry slowly walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his mouth close to my ear.

"If you help me I promise I'll make it worth your while" He whispered seductively. I gulped and agreed to help. Harry smiled in victory and walked back to the kitchen counter.

"What are we making?" I asked curiously.

"Lasagna" Harry replied simply. I nodded and turned around to get some more things from the cabinet. I gasped as I felt Harry smack my butt.

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