Chapter 8

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"Hey you have flour on your lips." He said as he walked over to me. Calum got closer and closer until our chests were almost touching. Then he used his finger to wipe the flour off of my top lip. After that, our eyes connected. Calum stared into my eyes and I stared back. My body automatically started leaning towards Calum and he started leaning as well. Before I knew it, our lips were connected and then it hit me...

Me and Calum are kissing!!

My eyes opened widely when I realized what was going on. I pulled away quickly and Luke's eyes opened in surprise.

"What j-just happened?" I asked trying to get my words together. I looked at Luke and I noticed his face was turning red and he started breathing a little heavy.

"I think we just kissed" He said sounding like he was talking to himself instead of me. Clearly he's just as shocked as I am. I was just about to say something until Luke's mom entered the kitchen.

"Oh Guys, look at this mess! I'll finish the cookies, just go upstairs and I'll call you back down when it's ready." She said as she began to clean our mess....well it was mostly Luke's but whatever. Luke and I just nodded absentmindedly and walked upstairs to his room. Once we got to his room he sat on one side of his bed and I sat on the other and our backs were facing each other. It was an awkward silence for about five minutes until Luke spoke up.

"Hey, do you want to watch The Lion King?" he asked. I turned around on the bed to face him.

"Yeah sure" I replied. He just smiled and nodded and got up to put the movie on. After he set the movie up, he jumped back into the bed and laid down. I was sitting up on the bed but decided to lay down as well. Eventually the movie started and I smiled. I really love this movie. Luke and I used to watch it all the time when we were little.

"AHHHHHHHHHH SAAAAAAAHHHHHH BENNNNNNN YAAAAAAA" Luke screamed suddenly singing along to the intro of the movie. I just shook my head and laughed at how much of a dork he is. I began to shiver realizing how cold I was.

"Dude, stop hogging the blanket" I said trying to take some of the blanket from Luke but he smacked my hand away.

"If you're so cold, then you're gonna have to come over here" Luke said smirking while he motioned for me to move closer to him. I just rolled my eyes playfully and snuggled next to him. Luke then put his head on my chest and looked up at me with a warm smile. At that moment, I started to feel something in my stomach. It was like a warm feeling. It was a weird feeling but nice at the same time. I smiled back and directed my attention back to the movie. Rafiki was holding up Simba. I smiled and started playing with Luke's hair.

I looked at my clock in the room. It was 9pm. I wonder how Luke's sleepover with Calum is going. Maybe I should text him. I reached for my phone to text Luke but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I was the only one home so I went downstairs to the door. As soon as I opened the door I froze.

"Well, aren't you gonna invite me in?" He asked. I tried to slam the door in his face but my body wouldn't allow me to move.

"Wh-What are you doing here Harry?" I asked defensively.

"Let me in and you'll find out." Harry replied with a smirk. I stood still for a while before I eventually decided to let Harry in. He just smiled in victory as he walked in and looked around.

"Wow, this place really brings back memories." He said as he sat down on my couch in the living room.

"Yeah it should. You beat me nearly half to death in every room." I scoffed. Harry looked at me sympathetically and opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "What do you want?" I asked as I folded my arms. Harry got up and walked over to me slowly.

"I want to apologize. When you told me you loved me, I panicked. I was sacred. Scared of my feelings that I had for you. I didn't want people to know I was gay so I had to find a way to lose my feelings for you which is what led me to hitting you." He said while trying to put his arm on my shoulder but I quickly moved so he couldn't touch me.

"You did more than just 'hit' me. You pushed me down the stairs, spit on me, called me all kinds of sick names. You even told me that you wanted me to die. Now you come to my house out of nowhere thinking that one little apology is going to make me jump into your arms? This isn't a fucking Disney Channel movie Harry. You were a monster to me and I didn't deserve what you put me through." I said harshly.

"But Ni-" Harry began to say before I cut him off.

"Just leave" I said with no emotion in my voice as I pointed to the door. Harry reluctantly walked over to the door and looked at me one more time before closing it. As soon as he left, I fell to the floor and started crying. Even after all this time and all the pain he put me through, I still love him.

This is perfect. Calum and I kissed and he didn't freak out like I thought he would. I mean, he seemed shocked but I was shocked too. And now we're cuddling watching the Lion King. Like I said before, this is perfect. Maybe this is a good time to tell him how I feel. Or maybe I should get Niall's input on it first?....Nah, I think now is a good time. I quickly got up and paused the movie. Calum gave me a confused look.

"Why did you pause the movie?" He asked almost pouting. I walked back over to the bed and sat next to him.

"I have to tell you something" I said with my voice cracking a little bit. Crap, now I'm really nervous.

"Okay, what's up?" He asked looking at me. I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"The real reason I was acting so weird around you is because recently I've been feeling something for you. I think I love you but not just in a friendly way but in a stronger way. I was scared to tell you because I wasn't sure if you felt the same way." I said looking down. Calum stayed quiet so I eventually looked back up at him but I couldn't really read his expression.

"Luke, I-I don't know what to say." he said still trying to process everything. "I don't feel that way about you. We're just friends. Nothing more" He said simply. At that point, my heart literally shattered in a billion pieces at those words.

"But we kisse-" I began to say but Calum cut me off.

"That kiss was a mistake and so was this sleepover. I'm gonna just go home." He said as he started packing up his stuff. I was speechless. How could I be so stupid and think that he would even love me back? I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Wait Cal, please don't go" I said softly as tears fell down my face. I reached for his hand but he pulled away quickly and walked out of the door...along with my heart.

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