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         "Where is he going next!?"

       I scream at the Daughter, and tear through the dirty, murky streets of the lower levels of Coruscant. Nearly crashing into several citizens, I dash around blindly, not sure where to go.

Slow down, Ahsoka! I can't keep up when you're being so rash!

     The tempo of my heartbeat bashes in my brain, a huge headache rattling my thoughts. "I don't have time to slow down! He's going to kill Windu!" Stumbling, I fall over my own two feet, crashing into the nearby woman, nearly knocking over the entire, sloppy made shack behind her. She bared her teeth in anger.

"Watch where you're going, tentacle head!"

        Not able to spurt out a quirky response, I leave the disheveled woman behind me, running faster and faster until my thighs and legs burn. Infuriated, I collapse into a nearby alley, banging my hands and knuckles on the ground. I don't stop until bruises begin to clump together, the Daughter screeching in my head to calm down. Heaving, I wipe the sweat from my brow, and stare towards the sky. It seems that my journey had reached an end, and I would never find Anakin in time. 

"I'm so sorry...Anakin...I failed you again."

     The Daughter, releasing her grip from my swirling feud, internally held my chin up. I stare into the wisps of mist that create a small, poised face, who's eyes are filled with concern. Her mouth opens, her voice low echoes.

    I realize that I had been holding you back, Ahsoka. I admit, it is harder for me to understand emotions than to hide them. I can help you find your Anakin, Ahsoka. But you must trust me again--this will not work if you continue to dash around without a direction to run towards. 

      Scrunching my face, I cover my eyes with my muddy palms. I hate being so open with my feelings, to feel so vulnerable.

"Y-You don't understand. I have to find him, I have to...I won't lose him t-too!"

      The Daughter whispers in my ear, halting the salty tears and the choke of my voice. I hiccup at the words.

   You are like you mother, Ahsoka. Compassionate...but never letting go. All this time, I had been trying to hold you back. But look at yourself--it has been longer than you have thought. You are older, more mature. But you need to let Anakin go.

It is your destiny.

         Peering behind her, I recoil at the reflection. My face is longer and more defined, my eyes bigger, but framed with new, pearly designs. "I almost forgot...of the change...."  In the time I had to train, both myself and Asajj, I had grown up--I was not the same Ahsoka. I had changed, evolved, for the moment that I had dreaded and hoped for--seeing Anakin again.

To accept the truth, however, I wasn't sure.

    "...I realize how irrational I was being. But Anakin..."

 I know it's going to be hard. But I cannot help you with this part of your journey--you must face your own monsters by yourself.

      Her long arm stretches upward, and she mutters only two more words.

The Temple.

      Walking through the disassembled Daughter, I wipe my eyes of proof of my hurt. If I would ever become who I was meant to be, I had to cut my ties of the past.


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