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    I snatch the control pad with speed, muscles locking up every once and a while in the movement. My mind, murky as it was, was circling with questions and self conversation since I couldn't handle what had just happened. "What...What did you do?!" The fact I have the will to open my mouth and speak words that were mine was a surprise. The Daughter, controlling where my fingers would be placed on the controls, responded in such a calm way it made me feel even more terrified.

   I have already told you that he's not your destiny. But you refuse to listen to me.

    Beads of sweat build up and cascade down my face as I groan, unable to fight against the growing strength refusing to let me go. 

Stop struggling! Can't you see I am trying to help you!

     "How are you trying to help me!? You are acting like the Son, admit it!" She physically lifts my hand, to my shock, and slaps me. 

    Stop. You are too blind by love, by desire, by your Master's seeds of the Dark Side. You will let go, whether I have to make you or not.

    Little traces of crimson drip from my fingertips, and I only have the power to sit back and watch. Tears that don't fall out continue to fill up at the rim, and I look back at my reflection disgusted. Sure enough, my appearance has changed--the tips of montrals to my lekku are brimmed with gold, the designs intricately changed on my face to a sophisticated, more shapely layout. Eyes stare back at me, and the girl in the window looks scared and hurt, but I struggle to accept it was me.

I know this hurts. I never said this will be easy.

      "What about Lux? What about Asajj...Vuass..." Even with my slight hatred for her, at least she wasn't doing this to me. "The Republic? Why do we need to go to Mortis anyway?"

     Never mind that. Accept the pain you've gone through, the disappointment, but do not dwell within it. It's the mistake the Chosen One has, and I refuse to let the Light Side fall just because you are stubborn. 

   She lets the water pour to clear out my sight, and two hands of mist brush them away. I find strange comfort, and the resistance in my muscles and mind release. "...Is Lux not my destiny? Can I change my destiny?" She sighs, and continues to control my actions gently. 

      You make me as a monster, but if you do not remember, I know what it is like to lose ones you love. Sacrifices, Ahsoka--you have to make them. Think of the generations that have not yet been born--would you be able to live knowing the fact you have harnessed a future to them so dark because you failed to save them due to worldly pleasures?

    "I've...I've never thought of that before." I lean back in the controller's seat, looking behind me for the three figures that I had hurt. My nervous behavior kicks in as I realize they're all gone. "Where...where are they!? They were just here!"

   Quiet, apprentice. I sent the other two on their way were they are meant to be... Asajj is only here for she is your apprentice. Everything you wish to know will be shown soon. There's a moment of silence, and I regurgitate the information piling up in my lap. I want you to train her. You may not be a Jedi...

   Carefully, I blindly log in coordinates, the whir of the engines preparing for a hyperjump. I exhale, the ship's power slowly turning off, the atmosphere becoming cold.

But you are still a Master. 

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