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      My eyes open quickly, and I look up from the ground. A slow, almost frightened, mechanical hand reaches in front of me. Dortu backs away as I arise from a sitting position, edging slowly to the door. There's a small tug at the edge of my lips, but I manage to hide it.

"What is it? You know how I get with people interrupting my relaxation."

      Dortu's eyes blink, and he recoils from the possibility that he could be scrapped. If there was a feeling this machine could actually display, it was clearly scared. He stutters a response as I brazenly finger around a wrench that was left on the desk beside me.

"I-I...Master Bonteri, I have a message from someone who I believe you will find time for."

     Involuntarily, I think of Ahsoka, which sends my heart to a lurch. Trying to hold the lurch of my emotion, I straighten the collar of my shirt with some sense of calmness. "What about Ahsoka Tano? Is she ready for my arrival?" Dortu nods. 

"She gave me the coordinates a mere minute ago. It is very seems to be in the outskirts of Coruscant."

   Strapping the buckles on my boots, I slide on a pair of dingy gloves. The fingertips are faded away, but they'll do fine. Dortu practically throws a cloak towards my direction, earning a glare from me as I snatch the fine, brown material. 

"Is she in good health?"

    He looks away, as if he was hiding something. "I suggest you wait until you meet with your...lady friend." A deep blush cascades over my skin, and I brush the so obvious jest back.

"She is not my lady friend. You say this as if I am..."

    Dortu prods at the mistake, prying at the secret I nearly spilled. "What? In love? I am not surprised if you were, according to many surveys, Tortugas tend to be very attractive."

   Grumbling, I rush out of the room, shaking embarrassment as far as I could. To think, a droid, finding out what I had spent so long trying to hide! Luckily, my eyes are met to a droid I could actually not mind-- R8. Beneath the silver dome, he beeped a welcome. My hurt pride softened.

"I know, R8, it's been a while. But don't worry--I have another job for you."

      The astromech shook side to side, nearly running over my foot as it rushed to the ship. I ran a finger on the side of it's wing, the metallic glow beaming in the moonlight. 

"R8? Get ready to hyperjump."

      Setting the coordinates in, I settle myself in the pilot's seat. With a slow breath, I close my eyes.

I'm going to tell her how I feel.

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