Misty Eyed

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       I slide the credits over the counter, giving a curt nod to the owner. He briefly looks over the amount, and looks back up at me. "You never told me your name." I cough, and try to think of a lie. Though it was a seemingly normal question, I had to be careful with my answers to strangers. Even a Jedi has to lie, I joke with myself. 

"My name is..." I hesitate, looking around for something to serve as a fake one.


"Fulcrum." He raises an eyebrow questionably, but accepts it. 

"That's certainly..not a common name. At least not here." I smile falsely, and snatch the clothes so I can at least pull the cloak over my head.

"I know. And you will not remember either it or me."

         I scurry out the door, and take a deep breath of the musty Coruscant air. Kneeling, I lightly trace the dirt between my fingers, to get a quick memory of the feeling. Then I look above, and I can almost see the horizon of the Temple in the overlapping darkness. 

"I'm going to miss you, Skyguy."


          My eyes open abruptly, and I slide quickly from my sitting position. I swear I had heard her... or someone. I force myself to try to believe that my mind must be playing tricks on me. Everything seemed so off balance now, and I could barely understand my own motions due to it. My shoulder tenses when someone puts their hand on it. "Anakin...I know this is hard on you."

"I know, Obi Wan. I have to get over it," I spit back spitefully.

        A look of concern spread over his face. He runs a hand through his hair, and struggles to find the words to answer me. I go to apologize, but he beats me to it.

"That's not what I mean, Anakin. As Jedi, we cannot form...attachments. You cannot let this waver you."

       Why can't he understand!? I know that already, and I knew it even when I was with Padme. But Ahsoka? She had been a stabilizer for me. Without her, my life had turned in ways I couldn't understand...She left me with an explanation I needed answers to. She was my Snips. I ripped my glance away from him, and my hands absently curl to fists. He doesn't understand. 

The Jedi never understand. 

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