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       "You're reckless little one...You never would of made it as Obi Wan's padawan." She dips her head to hide the disappointment, and I can't help noticing the tips of her montrals go downward. I take in a deep sigh, and lift her head gently with a finger. She stares into my eyes with shame. 


         Ahsoka bites her lip continuously, and seems to brace for disapproval. My mouth tugs at a small smile. "You might make it as mine."  

           My eyes flash open again, and I whip my head into my hands. The few items on the table beside me are jostling around. I try to control my feelings, but am left frustrated with the truth.

Why did she leave me? I protected her, I held my head on the line for her! I...I...

"Why!?" I let out a furious scream, and the whole table and it's glass of water upon it crash on to the walls and ceiling. My shoulders shake uncontrollably, and I slam my fists on the ground.


        The edge of my hands leave the desk, and I lift my head up. Even with the few senators within my room, I manage to let a smile creep on my face.

Yes, Anakin. Let your anger control you. 

      "It will not be long," I answer absentmindedly, and try to focus my attention on him. He is angered from the fact his padawan has left him... I could easily use this weakness to further my influence on him. I give another smile, and pretend to care for the senators concerns.

"Chancellor...if I may."

      My face looms with annoyance. Padme...always getting into my plans and somehow managing to ruin them. I shall ruin you too. 

"You may."

      She hesitates, and looks around before answering. "We cannot afford to keep fighting this war, Chancellor, and I, like many, are concerned with the fact we have merely brushed this opinion away." I sigh, and tilt my head at her. Despite her young age, she is an outstanding senator and public speaker...However, she is a weakness to my soon apprentice and a nuisance to me. Easily there were complications with her request and my answer.

"I know, Senator. And it pains me that such an ugly war has to keep going."

      Her face scrunches in disapproval, but she closes her mouth. I go on.

"You see...the Separtists are never going to stop their constant push for the death of the Republic. We have tried to stretch a hand in peace to them before...and well, you do remember how that commenced, don't you?" A look of pain spreads across her face, and I chuckle in my mind.

"I understand, Chancellor, but the people--"

       The hologram link beeped within under the table, and I find an excuse to send the meddling trio on their way. "Excuse me...I believe this conversation will have to be on hold, Senator...I deeply apologize."

       I watch her bob of brown hair sulkily exit, and flip over my hood once no one is in the room. 

"What is it, Dooku?"

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