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             Someone brushes their hand on my shoulder, and I turn. Anakin looks at me with concern. "Are you alright, Snips? You've been so...I don't know. Not yourself." I wipe my nose on my glove and sigh.

"You're saying that you don't like that for once, I'm just a quiet, listening padawan?"

         He smiles, and I notice something I haven't before. He smiles with his whole face, and somehow that makes me feel better. But something is wrong. He doesn't know the hidden girl behind my returning smile, the one who rolled around in bed for days with dreams she can't explain. The last one scarred me--bodies all over the Temple floor, eyes rolled back so they only showed a creamy white. The look of fear on everyone's faces, the sounds of laughing and yelling and--


           I snap out of the memory, lifting my soggy head off the piece of cardboard that served a purpose as a pillow. The sky was dark and murky, and a sliver of the stars peeked from behind the clouds. Shaking the awry pieces of rubbish off my arms, I crack my back. How long have I been sleeping? I brush a hand to shoo away a shadowmoth, wincing as the wounds twist in protest. Once I can get on my feet, I have to blink my eyes a few times to snap back to reality. I have to get new clothes, and I have to get a ship...There's too much to do and there's barely any time to do it. Slipping my hands into the sack loosely attached to my belt, I jingle around the credits. Where did these come from? Looking around, I'm only surrounded by dim lights and loose pieces of trash. Luckily, I see something out of the corner of my eye.

"Broca Gallia's Thrift Store..."

That'll do. 


        The door jingles a bit when I push through it, and I scan around the small store. There didn't seem to be anyone at the counter, and the lights flickered in the damp area. Walking around, I walk down the aisles in search for something new. After a little shuffling, my eyes widen. 

     Picking up the leggings, I examine the dark blue material. It's soft, with openings shaped as small diamonds drifting all up to the mid thigh.  There's a top that goes with it, with a low collar and long sleeves that flows past my finger tips. "Blue isn't exactly my color..." A loud cough comes from behind me, and I prevent myself from jumping.

         "Can I help you, miss?" A middle aged man gestures to the clothes. I clear my throat, and try to appear professional. 

"Uh...yes. I'm searching for a new look." 

     He looks at me, and cocks his head. "I think it suits you." I finger another cloak, which fit over my lekku comfortably. I looked older, and more mature. I silently smiled.

"...I'll take it."

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