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      "...Ahsoka?" My mind burns, and my eyes peel open as slow as possible. I'm startled to be staring into a pale face. It takes me a while to collect my thoughts and actually function an answer.

"Ventress..." She holds a long hand in front of me to stop me.

    "Assajj. Ventress was a name from someone who I used to be." I raise my eyebrow at her modesty. Maybe she has changed. Helping me to my feet, I rub my hands on my lekku as a stress reliever. I can hear her talking to me, but I can't even focus on anything. The first thing I see is Lux, and I want to immediately hold him in my arms.  Something holds me back, no matter how hard I attempt to move my sore muscles. I'm really starting to hate this so called destiny. I mean, why should I believe the Daughter? She nearly killed Obi Wan, and let her brother kill her! I let out a yelp as a pang seems to hit me in the brain, like clockwork pieces that start to grind against each other. Asajj goes to catch me, but I stumble towards the front of the ship.


  Yet again I am left without words--a deep brown face stares irritably at my composure. Thick strands of short, ivory hair move in front of deceitful eyes, with an icy voice to match. "You don't have to yell. This isn't exactly a cruiser." I shrink back in embarrassment, still taken back at her unique appearance. She responds as if she knows that I'm mentally trying to find out what she is. "I'm Vuass. The contact Lux was supposed to pick up a few days ago." She glares as she emphasizes loudly to her co-pilot, a currently uncomfortable looking and bandaged up mess. I almost don't recognize him, he looks pale from sleep deprive and dark circles tracing tired eyes. 

"I cannot say this any longer or I will sound like a broken record--I AM SORRY."

      Clearly I have missed some type of memo, because it's obvious this is more than a contact. I wasn't necessarily worried in a jealous way, but something about the way Vuass moved and generally acted was out of the ordinary. Her suit, a ebony to match her lips, had several scratches and emblems I didn't recall. Eager to get answers, I open my mouth.

"Are you a bounty hunter?"

        Vuass let out a loud laugh, sending chills up my spine. It sounded uninviting and disturbing. "Sure. But I don't get paid." I frown. 

"So you just...kill people?"

     This doesn't exactly sound like someone who would be helping the rebel cause. She deadpans her voice, and stares straight at me with disapproval.

"I do it because I have to. I have no shame of getting rid of bad people."

     Lux desperately tries to set back the growing feud. "That is why they call her Heartless. But she's on our side, so I guess that she has one." He chuckles at his failed joke, but clearly Vuass could care less. Her hair shimmers as she flips around, going back to piloting. Every sense inside of me has spiked, and I don't trust her

"You do what you have to do. "

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