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   He looks so perfect, the master I once loved and called my teacher, my mentor. The chestnut patches of hair still cover his eyes, thick and animated eyebrows twiddling as he moved the item with his own mind. With a wave of his hand, the clump of mangled dirt bursts apart, leaving a floating, illuminated flower. Mesmerized, I lean in, watching the petals hover over the ground and never truly falling. 

"Snips...It is all about balance. The world, our emotions, our choices. True, we have a duty to the Council and the people we protect--but we also have a duty to our heart. The heart never lies."

     Snapping up, I rub my eyes and the tears that follow.

It was only a dream. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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