Katherine Greene

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Name: Katherine 'Kat' Greene

DOB: December 1st 1985 (is 25 in 2010 – the beginning of the apocalypse; time becomes irrelevant after that, but approximately 27 by season 6)

Appearance: Dark blonde hair (that occasionally looks brunette in some lights) with a slight wave, reaching just below shoulder length, green eyes, thin tone frame. Resembles both Maggie and Beth.

Portrayed By: Elizabeth Olsen.

Family: Father – Hershel Greene
Mother – Josephine 'Joe' Greene
Step-Mother – Annette Greene
Sister – Margaret 'Maggie' Greene
Sister – Elizabeth 'Beth' Greene
Step-Brother – Shawn 'Shawnie' (only by Kat) Greene
Close family friends – Otis and Patricia

Occupation: Pre Apocalypse – Farm Hand, Singer/song writer and guitarist (but only for herself and her family), Veterinarian.

Personality: Practical, thoughtful, resourceful, quick thinking, intelligent, protective, occasionally sassy, level headed.
Would do anything to protect those she loves.
Although level headed she can blow up with anger when pushed enough with the right buttons (e.g. people harming or disrespecting her family and home) and when she does go off it's like a tsunami and her voice is threatening, strong and cold.
Often described by those close to her as being fierce, strong, an "anchor," and more often then not "the glue that has kept the family all together and at peace."
She is good at keeping her family together and protecting them, but it has always been her top priority since her mother's passing, therefore, she never has had time for a serious or stable relationship.

History: Kat was born on December 1st, 1985, making her 25 in in the year of the outbreak and approximately 27 by the time of season 6.
Maggie was born three years later in 1988 and Beth was then born in 1993. Maggie was 22 in season 2 and Beth was 17.
Hershel drank heavily up until Maggie was born and although Kat was only three she can remember bits and pieces unclearly (it being her earliest memory). Hershel straightened out when Josephine told him she was pregnant again, but unless he quit drinking she would not allow another child to grow up in the house, threatening to take Kat with her and leave. He got his act together immediately and never touched a drop again.
When Kat was 15, Maggie was 12 and Beth was 7, their mother, Josephine died. Kat held herself together for her sisters and her father, never saying a word when they resorted to their faith to help get them through (their father more than anyone), but in truth Kat lost hers and despite attending church like her father insisted, she only believed in her family.
Two years later when Kat was 17, Maggie 14 and Beth 9, their father, Hershel, remarried to Annette who moved to the farm with her 12-year-old son, Shawn.
Beth, needing a mother figure, and Shawn, needing a father figure, instantly fell in love with their new stepparents, but Maggie took up smoking and shop lifting, believing her father had betrayed their mother.
Kat understood that her father had to move on and he deserved to be happy. She took a liking to Shawn immediately and always looked out for him, considering him a younger brother, but, like Maggie, she couldn't call Annette mum unlike Beth, however, she did respect her and considered her a friend and a shoulder to lean on if needed.
Kat pulled Maggie together and explained the situation, making her understand and got her to straighten out her act.
When she finished high school she left for college, studying veterinary medicine and came back home to help her father and family on the farm once she graduated at the age of 22, almost 23. While studying she came home every chance she had and stayed as long as she could.
The outbreak happened in 2010 and Annette and Shawn were infected and her father locked them in the barn along with any others they encountered. Hershel, Beth and their family friends; Patricia and Otis, all believed that there was a cure and they could be saved. Maggie and Beth's boyfriend, Jimmy, did their best to believe in what the others said, keeping hope alive, but Kat never believed it. She always thought they were gone, but never said a word, not having the heart to crush the others and their faith, just like when her mother died.

A/N: I have done my absolute best to create a character that would fit the Greene family and the show perfectly as well as suit Daryl to a T relationship wise.
When creating a character I like to make sure that their personality would be one that the characters portrayed in the show would respond well too, i.e. she should realistically get on well with those she's meant to and piss off the ones she meant to.
Her name is also important in a sense. It needed to be one that I could picture Daryl saying, but also match her family. Hershel's daughters have old fashioned named (Elizabeth and Margaret) that are never actually used and instead they are referred to by using short and sweet nicknames (Beth and Maggie or Mags). So... Katherine. It's an old fashioned name and can be shortened to Kate, Katie or Kat.
The casting is also important... For some season I can see similarities between Elizabeth Olsen and Emily Kinney, but also between Elizabeth Olsen and Lauren Cohan. Maggie and Kat have the same eyes, Beth and her have the same hair and Kat's facial features are kind of a mix of both. Elizabeth Olsen is also the right age and I can picture her in an apocalyptic scenario.

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