Ch 23: Cool Night Air

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Nana sat in the practice room along with the boys. "You should be practicing, not lying around like lazy bums." Nana scolded.

"But you're lying around." Jimin pointed out.

Nana scoffed. "Because I'm not the one dancing on stage."

The boys grumbled as they started getting up. They flipped on the music and started --lazily-- doing the coreograhy to I Need U.

After about an hour or so, they were all way to exhausted to do anything but lay down on the wooden floor.

Nana called a resturant to have chicken delivered to the building. In the meantime, she just played on her phone. "Your comeback was just a few days ago and you guys are just lying around?" Nana asks.

"Yep." They answered in sync.

"We're tired! Shooting the music video was hard enough." Hoseok whined.


Nana stepped out of the room while the boys sucked in their chicken. She tried getting a piece, but they attacked it like it was their first meal in a year.

Maybe she'll eat later?

The building was practically empty despite a few lingering people cleaning up their work area.

Nana stepped outside the doors. Since it was the beginning of summer, the night was still a little cool, but it was nice. She needed the fresh air.

She was just standing outside when her phone chirped and vibrated, causing the peace to be shattered. She scrunched up her nose as she got out her phone.

From: Jungkookie
Where are you?

From: Nana
Go away and practice

From: Jungkookie
Are you outside?

From: Nana
No go away

She didn't get a reply back so she shoved her phone back into her pocket. She honestly didn't feel like walking back to the practice room because that took a lot of effort. So she sat down on the ground.

Maybe she could think about stuff.

But that didn't last long.

Jungkook stepped outside and disturbed Nana's thoughts about really nothing.

"Why are you out here?" He asked.

"Why are you out here? Go practice or something."

"They're too loud." Jungkook answered.

Nana scoffed. "That's you're answer for everything."

Jungkook took a seat next to Nana on the cement. "So why are you out here?" He asked again.

"To think."


"Gosh you're annoying." She repeatedly poked Jungkook on the arm.

He slapped her hand away saying she was more annoying.

They sat in comfortable silence admiring the city lights. It was nice and peaceful, but like before, it didn't last.

"Have you thought," Jungkook gulped "about us? The possibility of us?"

Nana's eyes drifted to the ground. No she hasnt. She'd been too focused on her school stuff, but to be honest she doesn't want to think about them. She just wants to keep their fun and playful relationship with each other. Would being in a relationship change it? And if they broke up, what would happen then?

She sighed. "What would we do? Jungkook you're an idol. I'm just a normal person. We can't. You're still fairly new as an idol, Jungkook. You debuted like a year ago. You can't date this early in your career. What would the CEO say? PD nim? Your manager? Your fans?"

"Screw them. Screw my career. I don't care about them. Nana, please." Jungkook pleaded.

"What would the reporters say? They'd be all over you and me for months. You wouldn't be able to escape them."

"Well they already think somethings up between us." He mumbled. Nana heard and gave him a look. "Ok well what else could they say? It's not like it could be kept a secret for that long."

"Jungkook we can't." She insisted.

"Give me a real reason why we can't. Me being an idol doesn't count. Who cares? 'Idol' is just some title they gave me."

"I don't want to lose you as a friend." She said quietly. "Jungkook, what if we break up? We get so annoyed with each other, it's a very likely possibility. Maybe soon, maybe in ten years, but I'm sure it'll happen. Then what would happen? I don't want things to be awkward between us. I don't want anything to come between our friendship."

"Do you really think we wouldn't last?" Jungkook asks a little hurt.

"I-I don't know."

Despite it being super nice out, Nana couldn't stand being out longer. She stood up and walked back into the building and headed towards the practice room without saying anything else.

She knows someone would get a picture of them together and so knows it will be all over the Internet tomorrow. Honestly she just needs a break. She just finished school and she just wants to have a relaxing summer. She doesn't want to be dragged down by drama surrounding her and idols. But what else can she do? Idols are her only friends and she likes being with them.

Jungkook sat on the ground depleted. What else could he do? He groaned and flopped back on the ground. So what if reporters catch them? So what if he's an idol? He's still a human being with feelings. Why is he treated differently?

Jungkook didn't realize he fell asleep on the ground until he felt people shaking him.

"Oh my god is he ok? How long has he been out here? His forehead is burning up!"

[A/N: I'M SORRY I'M POOP AT UPDATING and I haven't had any Jungkook Nana focus for a little bit so here?

School is starting soon so I dunno how often I'll be updating. Like idut might be even worse than it is right now. I'm so sorry LOL

Please bare with me through this poopy dry whatever writers block]

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