Ch 5: Problems Can't be Avoided

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*3rd POV*

The group all walked to the rink together. Minah kept trying to ask Nana who her friends all were and why she wasn't introduced to them before. Nana just said they traveled a lot and were childhood friends. Thankfully, Minah took it. 

Half way to the rink, Namjoon accidentally tripped, big surprise, and fell onto Jin, who then proceeded to knock into Jungkook and Jimin. "Hyung! Stop being so clumsy!" Jungkook shouted.

"It's not my fault! He's the one that tripped!" Jin pointed at Namjoon.

"Calm down brats! You're always so loud!" Nana scolded.

"We're all older than you, stop calling us brats." Jungkook hissed.

"We're the same age, brat" Nana stuck her tongue out. Jungkook scoffed and made a fist towards her. 

Minah eyed her friend. "You guys really are... close," she commented, but kept walking.

Nana squinted at Jungkook before turning around and walking with Minah. Jungkook scoffed and huffily walked, Jimin and Taehyung goofing off beside him.

The group made it to the ice rink in one piece without another disruption, thankfully. "9 pairs of skates, please." Nana asked the person at the front desk.

"Hey hyung, are you sure you can ice skate? You can barely walk on flat land." Jimin snickered at Namjoon.

"Yeah, I'll be fine! I'll just hold onto the wall" Namjoon reassured him.

Ten minutes later...

"Hyung! Wait! Help!" Jimin panicked right before he ungracefully slipped and fell on his butt.

"You were saying earlier?" Namjoon snickered at Jimin as he helped the boy up.

"Ahh! Watch out!" Taehyung yelled.

"Oof!" Taehyung crashed into Namjoon and Jimin, bringing an unsuspecting Hoseok down with him as he tried to grab onto something.

 "Are you guys okay?" Nana asked the groaning boys.

"You're friends aren't very good at skating." Minah giggled.

"They haven't gone skating in awhile, but I didn't think they'd be this bad," Nana sighed. Minah just laughed and skated off to some of her friends while Nana helped up the fallen boys.

"Maybe you boys should sit out." Nana suggested. They all disagreed with her. They wanted to stay and learn how to skate since it was a lot of fun, even though they were horrible at it. Nana just laughed at their protests and decided to get them some cones for them to hold onto. Mostly just for Taehyung and Jimin.

"They're idiots." Jungkook muttered to Hoseok as they watched Jimin and Taehyung goof off with their cones, surprisingly keeping balance with the added help.

Nana came up to the pair after making sure the 95 line wasn't in danger of breaking any limps anymore. "How are you two holding up?" she asked. 

"We're fine, don't bother us." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Yah, don't be rude." Hoseok lightly pushed his head

"Hmph, I just wanted to see if you were alright."

"We're doing fine," Hoseok grinned. "Don't mind this kid, he's just a moody teen with anger issues." He whispered, but loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

Jungkook elbowed his hyung in the stomach, thought not too hard. "I don't have anger issues." he hissed. Nana giggled.

"Yah, Jungkook that hurt!" Hoseok fake cried as he clutched his stomach.

"J-Jungkook? L-Like.. Jeon.. Jungkook??" Someone stuttered behind the three. They all froze and turned around slowly. Minah.. damn.. Nana cussed in her mind.

Minah covered her mouth and started to squeal. "Omo! Is it really Jungkook!?"

"Haha, very funny. Why would Jungkook even be here? He'd be practicing or something at this time," Nana tried brushing it off.

"But I'm sure of that voice. I know it's Hoseok's!" Minah squealed. Without thinking, she reached for Jungkook's hat and snatched it off his head, revealing his eyes. "Omo! I knew it!" she squeaked, obviously drawing attention to the trio. 

The girls in the ice rink stopped and squealed, all realizing who was there with them.

Nana shoved at Jungkook and Hoseok to move so they could quickly leave before anything got chaotic. The trio dashed off, heading for the exit to the rink while the other members tried to quietly and discreetly leave as well. 

They all dashed out, almost falling but luck had their side and they got off without a hitch. The eight of them quickly changed shoes while the ice rink dashed over to try to get pictures or just their attention. They made it out of the rink, having to push through the crowd. Since they walked to the ice rink, they had no car, so the group just ran away from the girls.

The group of fangirls all running behind, screaming or asking them for autographs, pictures, their hand in marriage. Nana rolled her eyes at their requests. They're humans too, you know.

They turned a corner into a small alley, hoping to disappear from the fans' sight. They'd gained some ground between themselves since the fans ran out of stamina very quickly. However, Nana came in the little alley last, wheezing. "I should of joined cross country.." she said I between breaths.

Yoongi heard a few footsteps coming towards them and pressed himself up against the wall, putting his finger to his mouth to signal them to be quiet. Since Nana was still wheezing, she didn't see his cue and was still out in the open, hacking away. The footsteps and yelling were getting closer, so Jungkook just scoffed and grabbed onto Nana's arm. He pulled her to him and covered her mouth, effectively shutting up her protests and confusion. She struggled against him, embarrassed and confused, but went completely still when she heard voices and footsteps run past.

When they heard the foot steps getting fainter and soon not at all and all sighed. Nana elbowed Jungkook in the stomach and he released her, grabbing at his stomach. "Yah! what was that for!?"

"For grabbing me out of the blue!" She yelled back.

"I was saving all of us from getting harassed by those fans." He hissed.

"Calm down, you two. At least they're away. Now someone call manager hyung. We need a ride back to the building cause walking there won't work." Namjoon said. Nana and Jungkook just huffed at each other while Yoongi took out his phone and started calling Tae Hee.

"Aha! I knew you turned in here!" Someone shouted. They all looked over towards the entrance of the alley to see Minah standing there.

[A/N: Omg ok this was a really bad chapter. I don't know what I did with it. I'm still on major writers block. and it suuuuucks. ahhhh I'll try to update faster but e.e idk where this is going.]

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