Ch 11: Forgetting Someone?

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"You're what??" Nana repeated again, only this time she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, whatever. Just come on we're leaving soon." Jungkook tried avoiding it. Honestly he didn't know what he had just said. He wasn't thinking. He was just, just... jealous. Jungkook mentaly hit himself.

"Tch, you can't tell me what to do. Eomma will tell me when it's time to leave." Nana said and turned back around to go back to Exo's room.

"Whatever. Get left behind. No one will notice anyways." Jungkook glowered and stormed off to Bangtan's room.

Like eomma or Tae Hee would leave me behind. Hmph. I'm too precious. She snickered in her head then skipped back to Exo's room.

Jungkook slammed the door shut and everyone, including the backstage help, looked up at him. "Ah, Jungkook no need to slam doors." Jin scolded lightly. "Especially ones that aren't our own." Jungkook snarled at his hyung before walking past him towards his things.

"Ah what do you think happened?" Tae asked Hoseok. The pair just shrugged, only guessing what could've made their youngest this upset.

"Where's Nana?" Jimin realized she wasn't here.. Jungkook is raging mad and Nana isn't anywhere near. Put the two together and they all come up with the same conclusion.

Nana and Jungkook are fighting, once again. No surprise there.

"Just let him cool off." Namjoon whispered to Taehyung. Nana's mom was about to call Jungkook's name so she could start taking his make up off, but Namjoon shook his head. Bad idea. Really bad idea. "He can take it off himself when he's done being all hot headed." He whispered.

A few minutes of awkward silence passed by before Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok became their normal, loud, and dorky selves. It lightened the aroura in the room and even lifted Jungkook's mood. Slightly.

A little bit went by and Jungkook was done being upset. He sighed and got up to make his way over towards his lively hyungs. They all stopped goofing around and looked at Jungkook who was rubbing his neck, embarrassed. "Sorry.. I was just angry at someone." his voice trailed off.

His hyungs knew exactly who that 'someone' was but decided it was better if they didn't bring up her name. "Jungkookiee! Come play with us!" Jimin piped.

"Hey, get over here, I need to take off your make up." One of their make up stylists called. Jungkook nodded and made his way over while his hyungs started messing around again.

Their dressing room started to get louder and louder and the boys started playing music. It wasn't long before their manager came rushing in and scolded them that they were being way too loud and that it was past time for them to leave. They all bowed, embarrassed before they quickly got their things and rushed out the door.

Since their performance was a while away from their dorm, they'd booked a nearby hotel to stay at for the night. The drive back to Seoul was too long and they were all too exhausted. They all passed out after exceeding their energy level in the room so it was actually quiet peaceful for Tae Hee and Jinhyun (Nana's eomma).

Tae Hee woke the boys up and helped unload their things to send them up to their rooms. It was hard at first since there was a crowd of mostly fangirls and reporters taking pictures of them and screaming "Oppa! Oppa! Look over here!" It took a few minutes just to get to the main doors!

"I love our fans, but they're actually crazy.." Yoongi commented after he was safely behind the doors and away from the girls.

"They're crazy, but they're cute. Haha saranghaeyo!" Hoseok flashed a huge heart in the fan's direction earning a huge high pitched scream from all of them.

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