Ch 9: Up and Downs

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*Nana's POV*

I have to say it was super super tiring after two fan signing events back to back, but it was actually really fun. BTS was still lively as ever and they were still cheerful and playful, even though they were probably super super tired on the inside. I guess the perks of being their part manager is seeing both sides to them. Haha.

Tae Hee opened the van door and let us all in. I got in first, curtesy of the boys. Like always I went to the spot closest to the window and for some reason, Jungkook always sat next to me. I looked at him, giving him a questioning look and he just shrugged back at me. Whatever. At least he's too tired to bicker with.

Not a second after the van turned on, all the boys went out cold. It was kind of cute actually. They leaned on each other for support. The drive back to the company building was awhile away, so I did what a bored teen would do and went on my instgram. Hehe. I haven't actually posted a picture on it for weeks, but I like stalking other accounts. I mean, who doesn't? I clicked on Minah's account and scrolled her her feed. My jaw dropped as I saw that all her pictures with me were deleted. Was she seriously that angry at me?? Hmph, some friend..

I scowled and closed instagram not wanting to look at it anymore.

Being the manager or part manager? I dunno what I am. Anyways, it's kind of hard. I mean it's fun seeing how they act off camera and stuff but if I lost my best friend because of it, well it kind of sucks. How could something so small break us up anyways? I guess I'm sort of friends with the boys? I mean I'm close-ish enough to them to be their friend, right? Uh sure.

"Ah, Nana. Are you ok?" Someone asked. Their voice was faint, but still felt like they were next to me. The next thing I know someone poked my cheek. 

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt groggy and my neck felt stiff. I realized I had fallen asleep. When? I looked up to the voice. It was Jin. He was crouching down in front if me along with everyone else. Minus Jungkook. Oh ok. "You're head is really heavy, you know. Stop using me as a head rest. There's a window for a reason." I heard his annoying voice. Oops. Did I fall asleep on his shoulder again?

"Yah, Jungkookie, don't treat her like that! Can't you see she was crying?" Jimin hit the maknae on the head. I was crying?

I immediately touched my face. There was almost completely dried up tear streaks on my cheeks. Oh. Why'd I cry? Because of Minah?

"Nana?" I heard.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm fine. Really. I must of just had a sad dream, heh." I tried reassuring them. I didn't like being the center of attention. I'd rather just be unnoticed. Less pressure you know?

"Ah, ok. Well we're here. Tae Hee told us to wait for you since you seemed upset. Your eomma is inside with him, probably making coffee for us all," Namjoon explained.

"But we don't really like coffee." Tae whispered and giggled. I smiled slightly.

"Now that you're awake, can you get off if me." Jungkook asked a little irritated. I realized I was still leaning on him. Hehe whoops. I pressed onto his side more.

"Mm, nope. You're pretty comfortable." I teased. In return he flicked my forehead. "Aish. Brat." I hissed and got off of him.


We sat around on the floor of their dorm eating food Jin and Jungkook prepared. Eomma was in their kitchen along with Tae Hee still drinking their coffee.

"Wahh it tastes so goood!!" I hummed and stuffed more meat into my mouth.

"I thought girls were supposed to have manners." Jungkook said, ruining my happiness.

"I thought bratty maknae's did too." I retorted.

"Ohh you got me." he waved his hands mockingly. I held my chopsticks up and I was going to stab him right there if Jin didn't interfere.

"Woah, no need for violence, Nana."

Hmph. I scowled before shoving more meat in my mouth, mostly to taunt Jungkook, but because it was soooooo good. I just wish Jungkook's annoying presence wasn't here so I could enjoy it fully.

Gosh, he's such a brat.

[A/N: Eww so short. Sort of. Idk. It was a random chapter. I don't really know what I'm writing right now tbvh. I don't even remember what I wanted the plot to be hahaha. This is why I wanna do oneshots so I can figure something short and simple out XD but I'd probably never update them cause I'd get lazy asf.]

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