Ch 18: Saved

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Nana was cold. Her feet hurt and her head spun. She didn't know where she was, everything was a big blur. She walked around the local streets hoping she could recollect herself. She was so confused. Everything Jungkook did made her confused.

She didn't know what time it was or how long it had been since Jungkook had confessed to her and she'd ran away. To be completely honest it was scary. She wasn't from around this area, some of the street lights were out making it eerie and dark. She was in the city streets, but it didn't feel any safer when crowds of people were near her. Half of them ignored her and just bumped into her and the other half were drunk and half naked.

She didn't have her phone on her to call her mom and she didn't have any money so she could use a pay phone to call anyone.

She was alone, cold, and scared.

"Ah, excuse me." she asked a couple who seemed semi-nice. As the two turned around, the woman immediately scowled.

"What do you want kid?" The woman sneered.

"I-Is there a park around?"

"A few blocks down and to the right, but I wouldn't go there at this time." The man advised.

"Just let her be, it's not like anyone would want her." the woman whispered, but Nana could still hear it.

"Uh yeah, she's right, haha. I'll be fine anyways, thanks!" Nana laughed awkwardly and ran off in the direction the man told her.

She sat on the creaking swing set, alone. She stared up at the sky but there were clouds covering the sky. She couldn't even see the moon and stars.

She dropped her head to the ground as she started to push herself lightly and started to think about what Jungkook had said.

"I like you." She cringed at the thought. Why me? Why does he like me?? I don't even like him.. Right? He's annoying and a brat and hot headed and doesn't listen to me 99% of the time. He always yells and makes my blood boil! Why am I so confused? Why does he made me so confused?? Why do I get nervous when I'm around him? And he makes my skin tingly when he touches it.. Aish snap out of it Nana!

She hit herself on her head repeatedly before being stopped by voices. "Man you really striked out that time! Haha!"

"Shut up, she didn't even look at you twice."

"You guys are losers, I was the only one who scored tonight."

Nana looked behind her at the slurred voices. She saw three men stumbling around. She looked a little older than her, like Jin's age. She gulped, please don't notice me... please please ple- "Hey look over there!" Shit.

"Hey little girl are you lost? You can come over my place." The tallest one said as he approached her on the swing set. They weren't even five feet in proximity of her and she could already smell them and they reeked of alcohol.

Nana got up immediately and walked away, thinking it best to not speak to any of them "Yah! Don't walk off! We just wanna talk!" One of them shouted. She ignored them and kept walking.

"Hey come back!" One guy broke away from them and caught Nana by her hair causing her to yelp and stop in her place.

"P-Please, let go." she asked.

"We just wanted to talk, but there you go walking off without even saying 'hi'." One of them tsked.

She surrounded her in a small circle and scanning her head to toe. "L-Leave me alone.."

"You're kind of cute. What's a cute girl like you wandering around alone?" One asked with fake sympathy.

"It's like she's just begging to be attack. Good thing we came along." Another smacked his lips. Nana trembled. She couldn't even open her mouth to scream, she was so afraid.

One of them pushed her hard, causing her to fall to the ground. She winced in pain and her head already started to throb. "P-Please let me go!" She yelled, but not very loud.

"Aw sweetie, we won't hurt you." they snickered. She tried flailing her limbs, but they just caught her legs and pinned them down. One of the men with brown hair pinned her arms down while a black haired one started taking off her shoes and unzipping her pants.

Nana wiggled and struggled against them, but it was no use. She didn't even think she could take on one of them.

They started touching her all over and she screamed and thrashed around, trying to keep their hands off her. "You freaking perverts let me go!" She screamed.

Nana was dizzy, half naked, and crying when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Yah! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Jungkook's voice shouted.

"Haha hey kid wanna join us?" One slurred as he kept touching Nana.

Jungkook picked up a rock he found on the ground and threw it at the men, aiming specifically for the one who was rubbing his gross hands between her legs (and hoping it didn't hit Nana accidentally).

It hit him square in the head. He howled in pain and took the hand he was using on Nana up to his head. "Yah! Kid what the hell do you think you're doing!?" The brown haired one yelled. He stopped what he was doing to Nana and stood up, storming his way towards Jungkook.

Jungkook was way more angry than he was scared and his actions got the better of him. He made his way towards the man and punched him square in the face. An ugly crunch sound came from the man's face and he howled, falling to the ground and clutching his now bleeding face. 

Jungkook ran over towards the tallest one who was still sexually harassing Nana and shoved him off of her. Before he could recover, Jungkook scooped Nana up into his arms, and dashed off, leaving behind the drunk men, along with Nana's pants and shoes.

Nana was still in shock from being harassed. She was cold and crying and barely noticed that her body was being carried.

Jungkook didn't even make it halfway across the park before he felt something small, but hard, strike his back. He could only think that it was the same rock he'd used. Though he couldn't stop and reminisce at the pain and just kept running, a throbbing shoulder and hand were the only things that made him falter.

He was sure that people were going to stare at him strangely, a boy carrying a crying, half naked, covered in dirt and messy hair girl, but he couldn't just not run, so he dashed into the city. Not like they'd see them ever again, right?

After what seemed like forever and Jungkook's lungs couldn't take it anymore, he disappeared into the first alley he saw and set Nana down carefully, before collapsing on the ground.

Nana curled up into a ball, bringing her knees up to her chest and started crying even more. Jungkook didn't fully catch his breath, but it was enough to pull himself off the ground and embrace Nana.

It was awhile before Nana had calmed down and her tears didn't flood from her eyes. She just stayed there, hugging her knees as Jungkook hugged her body, keeping her warm.

"H-How did you find me?" Nana asked.

"Where ever you are, I'll always find you." He said.

[A/N: Lmao I'm super lame and yeah just saying I don't do smut and it was super awkward for me to even say "rubbed in between her legs" LMAO but ye hope you enjoyed ]

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