Ch 19: School Project

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Despite the awkward situation Nana cringed at the cheesiness and hit Jungkook on his shoulder. "Yah! What was that for?" Nana only smiled.

"Thank you," She said and kept ahold on him.

Before they headed back to the dorms, they decided Nana shouldn't be walking about half naked. They chuckled awkwardly before Jungkook wrapped his jacket around her. It didn't cover her fully, but it went over her butt.

The two went into the closest clothing shop they found. It was just closing time, but the manager didn't mind and only smiled softly as they entered.

Nana and Jungkook made their way to the dorms with Nana in jeans and a simple white t-shirt along with some sneakers. They'd trashed her other shirt on the way back since it was drity and ripped. Jungkook would have to explain why he bought an outfit, but he'll figure it out later.

The dorm was lively as ever, as if two people weren't missing, thought when Jungkook and Nana opened the door, everyone fell silent.

"Where have you two been?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"The park." they simply replied.

"Did our maknae go out on a date? Aigo so cute!" They all crowded around to two and cooed.

"Aish, so loud." Jungkook mumbled embarrassingly.

Once they cooled down after the small treasing, Nana went into a free room and collapsed on the bed. She was tired both mentally and physically. Although she was tired, her thoughts raced of Jungkook.

Nana didn't realize she fell asleep until she opened her eyes. The window let the sunlight through the curtain cracks and into her eyes. She groaned and pulled the covers over her face. Not even a second passed before she heard the door creak open. "Nana? Are you awake? Breakfast is done." Jin softly called as he poked his head in. Nana groaned a response before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "There's a change of clothes on the chair if you want them, come out when you're hungry." Jin pulled his head out and shut the door again.

It took Nana ten minutes before she left the room. She changed into the extra clothes which were too big on her, but fine for now.

"Good morning! We have a rehearsal today at the building in an hour." Namjooninformed her.

"I have school today, but I'm probably late right now." She said as she munched on the food.

"It's 6." Suga looked at the clock on the wall.


The eight of them went to Nana's house after they all ate so Nana could get ready for school. "Ah how was it without Tae Hee there?" Jinhyung asked when they were all inside.

"It was fun! We played a lot of games but also practiced." Tae piped.

Nana came down in her school uniform "Umma! Come on we need to go before I'm late."

The bell rang as soon as Nana stepped in the school. She cursed and ran to her locker. As quickly as she could, she out her stuff into her locker, grabbed stuff out of her locker, closed it, then rushed to class.

Lucky for her, she made it a minute before class started. She made her way towards her desk and plopped down, exhausted from running. She didn't even notice Minah glaring at her.

"Sorry to break it to you class, but I'm assigning a project, due on the last week of school. It will be 40% of your grade so please, do well." The teacher announced a second after the bell rang.

The class booed and groaned at him. "Since it's worth so much, I've decided you get one partner." Mr. Lee added. The class cheered and started looking at their friends, silently declaring partners, only to get their bubbles busted by the teacher. "I'm picking the partners. The list will be posted on my door tomorrow morning."

Once again the class groaned and Nana swore she saw her teacher laugh at them.

The rest of the class was Mr. Lee explaining what the project was going to be and all that stuff.

The day dragged on and by the time lunch came around, Nana was exhausted.

She felt like she hadn't been at school in forever, even though it's only been two days off due to the weekends.

She sat down at an empty table and pulled out her phone. She saw 70 unread text messages. Her eyes widened and she mentally slapped herself for letting the boys in a group chat. She opened up her phone and went to Kakao Talk.

Stop spamming! My phone is going to blow up! She clicked send then proceeded to go onto twitter. She found that there were a few updates on the BTS twitter including selcas in their dance room.

"Stalking them on their twitter? I thought you were close with them." Nana heard someone snicker from behind. She looked up and turned around to see Minah walking away.

"Hello to you too." Nana grumbled.

The next day she anticipated who her partner was going to be. She rushed to her first period early hoping to see it before anyone else, but apparently that's what everyone hoped to do also. All her classmates were crowded in front of the door shoving each other. She sighed and just wiggled her way into the classroom. My partner will just come up to me.. she grumbled in her head.

After the partner hype died down, everyone was talking to each other about the project. Except Nana. She was patiently waiting for her partner to come up to her and say "Hey! Let's ace this!" But it never happened. Maybe she didn't get a partner.

The class ended. She waited until everyone was out of the class so she could look at the door.

She packed up her things and went to the door to search the list.

Taeyeol and Sora
Minho and Seomin
Eunmi and Jisung
Nana and Minah

Nana stared at the paper in disbelief. Of all people, she was partnered with Minah..

The bell rang and told her to get her ass to class before her teacher marks her absent.

She quickly walked to her next class and thought how in the world is she going to get Minah to talk to her?

[A/N: Hey yall! Long time no see eh? Sorry for not updating.. I've been busy heh and lazy. But it's currently 5:20am( #hunhan) and I woke up at 2 am cause idk but yeah I decided why the hell not write?]

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