Chapter Two: Run

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"Don't let her get away!"

I glanced back to see men in white chase after me.

"Don't dare let that vampire escape!"

My breathing was becoming heavier and my legs weak.

I may be a vampire but I still didn't know how to control myself.

"Delilah Easton! You can't run forever!"

Oh but I will try....

I ran as fast as I could through the streets of the city. No one dare to stop me. I felt a fire in me burn making me speed up. The last thing I wanted to be was in that hospital.

I ran through an alleyway and was trapped.

Dead end.

"Well looks like your stuck." The head of the chasing men came to the front.

He was the doctor with the chocolate brown eyes back in the hospital who informed me about my change.

"Delilah there is no point." He held out his hand to me. "You're much safer with me."

"Over my dead carcass!" I spat. I tried climbing on the walls but fell on my bottom. "Oh Delilah..." He chuckled. "You're so innocent..."

Innocent? I lost that long time ago.

Through the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a door.

He followed my gaze and caught sight of the door.

"Don't you dare..." He clenched his teeth. His men started to form around him on his sides.

"Get away from me!" I growled. I stood up tall and spread my arms apart. A light breeze blew around me making me slightly to shiver.

I was full of hate and anger.

I fisted my hands and glared into all of his men's eyes deeply. Some of them turned pale and their eyes rolled back to their head.

"What the....?!" He dropped his jaw as his men died in their standing place.

I tried catching his eyes but he wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Mr.Smith! Help us!" Some of them called out to him. He remained still and watched as all his men died.

"Want to be next Smith?!" I growled in between my teeth. He finally looked up and glared into my eyes.

I was hoping for him to fall like the rest of his men but he remained glaring into my eyes.

"Wrong move Delilah." He started to walk towards me. I felt my body stiffen and my eyes relax.

"Just give up." His voice was husky as he stood out in front of me.

I could feel my hospital gown change into something. He stared closely as my gown changed into a long black dress.

It was silky and at the bottom was torn and shone with small encrusted diamonds.
I could feel black long gloves cover my hands and part of my arm. My hair fell loosely on my shoulders and a black veil covered my face.

I had no clue how I transformed but from the looks in Smith's eyes it was something 'powerful' like he would say.

"My Delilah.. Seems like your transformation has come." He smirked. I took a step back as my back it the wall. He started to check me out with Hus eyes and get closer to me.

Run! Run Delilah!

I wanted to run but I was captivated. He was now in front of me. He caged me in with his arms and our noses barely touched.

"I need to know your secrets." He whispered huskily. "What for?" I whispered staring in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Your specie has killed many of my people and most of my family. Especially my brother...

I want y'all dead but before that I need to drain out all of your powers and secrets." He pressed his chest close to mine.

"But something about you is special..." He growled.

I gulped. I wanted to run but I couldn't. Something about him I wanted to know.

I could feel his breathing and I could smell his tempting cologne.

"Let me go." I closed my eyes and whispered.

Run you fool run!

"Delilah..." He huskily whispered my name.


My head was buzzing.

I want to run!

I remained firm as I could feel his face closer to mine. He opened my eyes with his fingers gently and stared into my eyes.

"Let me kill you."

I fisted my hands tighter and felt my knuckles go white.

"Your specie must die." He tucked my hair behind my ear.


"Not you." I whispered.

He rose an eyebrow in confusion of my reply.
Before he could say anything else, I ran from his caged in arms and towards the door.

"Delilah!" He yelled.

I unlocked the door and stumbled in.

An abandoned factory stood in front of me.

I ran from the door and hid in a small room. I locked the door and hid in the corner.

"Delilah open the damn door!" He banged on the door violently.

I coward in the corner as tears spilled from my eyes.

"Delilah you can't be there forever!" He lowered his voice into a growl.

I cried silently.

I was damaged, alone, forgotten, broken, abandoned, hurt, and wanted.

My life has always been hunted down and all I've been doing is running. Running from something that I will never be able to out run.

I got my knees closer to my chest and sobbed to myself.

"Sebastian wherever you are please...." I closed my eyes tight as tears spilled out without control.

"Please save me."

Hearts Made Of Sin [Book 2 to HMOR] |✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu