Dan suddenly speaks up, "When do you leave?" His voice sounds anxious and shaky.

Sky looks down and doesn't make eye contact with either of us as she speaks. "Three days."

That is all she says and I hear her quietly sobbing again.

My breath is caught in my throat and tears rush down my cheeks involuntarily.

"THREE DAYS?!" I scream abruptly amidst the short silence.

Dan and Sky jump at my sudden outburst.

"THREE FUCKING DAYS?!" I yell again, this time standing up. The sudden movement gets me lightheaded and I topple over slightly but I ignore it.

"Mia!" Sky cries.

Dan stands up and puts his arm around me.

"Mia calm down," he insists, but I push him away from me.

"Sky, I- you- why!!" I yell, losing control of myself.

I break out into a run upstairs to throw myself onto my bed, hoping to fall asleep and wake up to when everything was back to the way it was- Back to the way where I was happy with Sky and Dan and Micky. Back to the way when I would stay up with Sky all night talking and beat her over the head with a pillow in the morning. Back to the way where I would confide my everything in her wherever, whenever. I can't lose any of this, not now.

On the other side of the door, I hear Sky screaming my name desperately and Dan trying to comfort her and telling her I need some time and space, but I ignore them both.

Nobody disturbed me for a good few hours. I had locked the door and sat on my bed with my back up against the wall and my knees- now numb, drawn up into my chest.

For the last hour, I've been in denial about the whole situation- Sky just can't leave me.

My thoughts roam back to earlier. How I had yelled and lost control of myself, and now my sadness is replaced with extreme guilt which only causes my tears to stream down faster. My best friend is leaving me in three days and what do I do? I fucking yell at her.

I get up from my bed and unlock the door. I quietly make my way downstairs and peer over to the lounge to see Sky and Dan on the floor. Sky is still crying and Dan comforts her quietly.

"Mia's not mad, it's just a lot of information to take in," he says.

Sky nods but her tears are still coming out in buckets.

"I've tried Dan," she moans, "I've tried to convince them to let me stay."

"It's okay Sky,"

"I've told them I'm happy here, Australia has nothing there for me," She pants, "The last two years since Mia came over here- I didn't feel like myself, I couldn't trust anyone. Mia's the only person I've ever trusted, the only best friend I've ever had."

She cries even harder and Dan pulls her into a hug. A few tears escape his own eyes as he comforts Sky.

I finally decide to step out so that they could see me.

"Sky I'm sorry," I say through tears.

"Did- did you hear that?" She mumbles.

I nod and I hug her tightly.

"I'm sorry," I repeat.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," she replies.

"I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you Sky," I tell her, "I can't believe you're leaving me after such a short time together but you'll always be my one and only best friend,"

She smiles slightly, "you too Mia."

Breathing in a breath of fresh air, I temporarily banish the depressing feeling.

"We have two days together," I state, "We're going to make the most of it."

Sky nods and Dan wraps us all in a hug together.

Although my best friend is leaving me, it's out of my control and I just have to accept it, no matter how hard it may be.


A/N: Sowweee, we know this doesn't really progress anywhere plotwise, but trust me, the next few will be full on!

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