One other thing that had increased along with my age was the intensity of the feelings that his touch awakened in me. But now was not the time to think about that. Not when I had to concentrate on running and getting to class in time. We hurriedly said goodbye and parted ways. I ran towards the Trig class hoping Amy had reached before me and got a decent seat.

I finally reached the class and it looked like the teacher had just started so when he saw me at the door huffing and out of breath, he just shook his head and asked me to get in and not be late again.

"Sorry sir" I mumbled and looked around searching for Amy.

Well it wasn't all that hard finding her seeing as half the guys were turning back now and again to look at her. Over the years Amy had gotten even prettier. She had grown out her hair so that it reached her waist now. She had become a cheerleader but she didn't conform to the stereotype. She managed to get decent grades and was one of the most popular girls in school. That got her even more attention from the boys than before.

She ignored the staring and waved at me. I smiled and went to sit by her. She was about to say something when the teacher started lecturing. I shrugged.

Of course she wasn't going to wait till the end of class.

From the corner of my eye I saw as she carefully tore out a sheet of paper from her notebook. Then she wrote something and passed it to me.

Why were you late? Dreaming about a hot guy? ;)

I snorted. Trust Amy to ask that.

Hardly. My alarm didn't go off.

She looked disappointed.

Oh. You're no fun Zoey. You should go out more.

Not again. And especially not shopping.

Can we talk about this later Amy??

She sighed and nodded. But then wrote something again.

I'm holding you to it.

I nodded hesitantly not knowing what was on her mind. I frowned. I did go out. She knew that. Just not as much as she'd like. Fortunately or unfortunately - depending on whose perspective you looked at it from - she didn't get a chance to talk to me as the Trig teacher asked her to wait. I had to leave as I had forgotten the text book for my English class that was next. I hurried back to the lockers got out the book and made my way to class greeting others in the corridor.

I had English with Hayley. I got to class in time this time and sat by her. She just smiled her sweet smile and a quiet hi.

I loved being with Hayley. She never really grew out of her shell. So she was still just as shy but a little more open with us. She and Amy were like the sisters I'd never had and I loved them both to death.

Hayley was the exact opposite of Amy. For me she nicely counter-balanced Amy's lovable but exhausting enthusiasm with her quiet nature. She never forced me to do something that I wasn't sure of whereas Amy couldn't wait to get me out of my supposed shell. She didn't speak too much and when she did she only had good and kind words to say. But Amy. Don't get me wrong. I love her but that girl really needs to learn to just shut up sometimes.

The bell rang and then I had Biology with Eric and Sam. I bid Hayley goodbye at the door and then made my way to Bio. I was walking down the corridor lost in thought when I felt someone put an arm around my shoulder. I started and looked up and was relieved to find Eric. He was smirking at me.

"You look pleased its me. Am I getting some kind of a vibe here ?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I was just relieved it was you and not some pervert. Though come to think of are a pervert," I teased.

"Oh please Zoey! Its not my fault girls fall over each other eager to please me." he said all wide-eyed and innocent and then wiggled his eyebrows.

I crinkled my nose.

"You have seriously misconstrued notions, my friend,"I said shaking my head gravely, "I would suggest you get it looked at." I smirked.

"Oh yeah? Say that to the my followers and you won't survive," he said with a wicked smile on his amused face.

"Don't get too cocky there buddy" I warned.

He smirked and opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"Don't even think about using pun to get one over me."

His face fell.

"I know how you think." I smiled triumphantly.

This was why I loved hanging around with Eric. We would trade insults and joke back and forth and in the process I'd forget about all that was bothering me focusing instead to be one step ahead of him. And he was a sweetheart really. With his cute dimpled smile girls did tend to follow him around but he never mistreated anybody.

Sam joined us then walking on my other side.

"Hey Z!"

"Hey Sammy!"

I was the only one, apart from Amy and Hayley, who was allowed to call him Sammy and he was the only one barring Alex of course, who called me Z. He said it fit me. I didn't know what to say to that. Sam was my brother of sorts. The one who acted all tough and protective but underneath it all was just a teddy-bear.

I felt like a dwarf walking next to them. They were both so much taller than me. Both well over 6 ft. What they eat to get that tall God alone knows. The teacher let us go early as some of the equipment required for the lab had not been delivered. We were to do it next class. Everyone rejoiced. We had lunch now.

"Hey you guys go on ahead I'll meet you at the table," I said.

They both looked at me confused.

"I've got to return a book to the library," I explained and then couldn't resist adding, " And I think my monthly friend's visiting so..."

There was a pause as they thought it over and when it registered, the identical expression of horror on each of their faces was absolutely priceless. I laughed evilly.

"Gotcha! See you at the table"

They scurried away without saying a proper goodbye. It was so much fun teasing the guys and seeing them squirm uncomfortably.

I was laughing all the way to the library.


Okay so I had to end it here. It was getting too long. How was it ?

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