
I had to break my contact with Pete to look over at Frank. He also had a look of concern over his face.

"...Do you remember any of yesterday?" He asked quietly.

"Just leaving the Cafeteria." I said quietly.

Frank's eyes grew wide. "I don't even remember leaving my room." He shivered and looked down nervously.

"How do you loose so much of your day?" Pete asked with worry on his face. He looked between the two of us.

"...This place does things to people..." Frank muttered, "I just hope G's okay..."

"He'll be fine Frank." I lied through a reassuring smile.

Frank didn't look too convinced. He just looked over at the door, then back down at the floor.

I looked back over at Pete. He was biting his lip with worry.

"When did they finally take you back?" Pete asked softly.

"Dark." I replied.

"That's almost twelve hours." Pete said nervously. He looked down at the table and muttered to himself softly, "What are they doing that required almost twelve hours..."

The three of us sat at the table in silence for awhile, each of us caught up in our own thoughts.

I kept stealing glances at Pete. They hadn't forced him into the white scrubs they had replaced our wardrobe with yet. He was wearing a black tank top and black skinny jeans.

It was just such a nice change from white. He was a refreshing spot in this horribly sterile place. His arm was tanned and dark, as if he had spent a lot of time under the harsh rays of the sun underneath the various tattoos. His hair came up to a point on top of his head and he had light stubble starting to poke through at his chin.

Everyone here had such dark hair. Mine was the palest. I sighed. Even amongst people like me, I was the odd one out. I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever truly fit in.

"Alright boys!" A perky young female nurse walked into the cafeteria, "Free time! To the social roooooom! Let's go, let's go!" She ushered up and out of the cafeteria and down another white hall. Pete stuck close to my side, while Frank took point in leading us to the room the staff had deemed the social room.

It was really just a glorified waiting room. It had multiple couches, piles of pillows, board games, and a single small TV with no reception. This was where we were sent whenever we were out of our room and not in testing or the cafeteria. It was just us and whatever we decided to do until we were ushered back to our rooms.

"Back for you later boys." The nurse shut the door on us as soon as we were inside. Frank and I both relaxed a bit with the 'click' of the lock, but Pete tensed.

"I don't like this place..." Pete mumbled.

"None of us do." Frank muttered, flopping down on a pile of pillows.

"But for the time being, this is where we are." I sighed.

"At least we can use our abilities in here." Frank smirked, electric sparks flashed over his eyes. He propped his arm on the edge of the couch and twisted his fingers, allowing electricity to pass between his fingers.

"Woah!" Pete looked at Frank with wide eyes. Frank looked up at Pete and laughed, the electricity fading a bit.

"You like?" Frank pointed his finger up and shot a small electric bolt at the ceiling.

Pete laughed, amazed. "That's dope, dude!" He looked up, examining the scorch mark on the ceiling.

"What can you do, Wentz?" Frank let his electric bolts fade as he looked up at him.

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