Chapter 22

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Tris POV
Wedding Day

Today is my wedding day. I am so excited, I'm positive I made the right choice. Right now Christina and Abby are doing my hair and make up while Lynn and Analies are getting all the dresses set up. While we are all getting ready my Au t and Uncle have the kids. Tobias and I decided to get married at the beach. It's going to be awesome! Abby puts my hair into curls and Christina doing my make up. I think she's doing a simple look like eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, you know the normal stuff.
"Omg, are you excited or what!?" Christina squeals and I smile.
"Definitely excited" I say with a big smile.
"Good, now come on we gotta put on our dresses. Uriah brings you down the aisle in 10 minutes!" Abby squeals and we smile and laugh.  I grab my strapless white wedding dress that flows down. It's perfect! I go into the bathroom and change into it. Once I finish dressing up I walk out of the bathroom and see the girls in there lavender strapless dresses on. I smile and they squeal except for Analies and Lynn... As always. Then there a knock on the door.
"Come on in!" Christina yells and Uriah comes in. He is in a black tux with a white shirt underneath with a black tie.
"Hey guys, you ready?" Uriah asks.
"Yup!" We say in unison and laugh. The girls walk out of the room and I go with Uriah.
"What are you guys doing for your honeymoon?" Uriah asks wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk. I laugh.
"Where going to Paris, to see the Eiffel Tower and stuff" I say and he giggles.
"And stuff..." He says and I smack his arm playfully. I shake my head and laugh. We are right I front of the doors that awaits my soon to be husband, family friends. This is where my future begins.
"You ready?" He asks as the gang goes down the aisle.
Zeke and Shauna
Christina and Will
Abby and Analies
"Yup" I say and wrap my arm around his arm. (I don't know how you wanna call that) the doors open up and everyone looks this way and I blush. But I just focus on Tobias. His eyes lighten up and we both start to get tear eyed. We blink them always and smile. Once we get to the front Urish kisses me on the forehead in a brotherly way and hands me off to Tobias. We take each other's hands and smile.
"We are here today, to celebrate the marriage of Tobias Eaton and Beatrice a Prior," the priest says. Wait, did he say Tobias' real name. I will ask Tobias later. The priest says his speech and all bla bla bla. I just stare into the deep ocean blue eyes I fell in love with.
"May we have the rings?" The priest asks. My little cousin Amber, she's 5 hands us the rings. Tobias takes on ring and I take the other. We slip them on each other's ring finger.
"Do you, Tobias Eaton, take Beatrice Prior as your wife forever as you shall both live?" The priest says.
"I do" Tobias says looking at me and I smile.
"And do you, Beatrice Prior, take Tobias Eaton as your husband forever as you shall both live?" He asks again.
"I do" I say with a smile looking at Tobias and we both smile.
"I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" The priest says and right when he does Tobias' lips come crashing into mine. I kiss back and we hear cheering and squeals. We pull back from the kiss and smile. Christina and Abby hug me tightly and Lynn and Analies also hug me but not as tight as Abby and Chris. The guys come over and hug Tobias and I. Soon my Aunt and Uncle bring Zoe and Larry to us. They make baby noises and it's so cute. They start clapping at Tobias and I. We smile and take them from my Aunt and Uncle.
"Thanks for watching them" I say giving them a hug.
"No problem sweetie, congratulations! Your Mother and Father would be so proud!" Aunt says and we get tears in our eyes and smile and hug.
"Well, you better go get changed up for the reception" She says and I nod. Tobias and I give them back the kids and walk hand and hand to the building. (There outside on the beach if you don't get it) Once we get in, Tobias walks me to the room where the girls and I got changed in before. I go on my tip toes and kiss him passionately. We kiss for about a minute or 2 but then Zeke interrupts us.
"Save it for the honeymoon!" He yells across the building and we laugh.
"Well, I'm gonna go get changed" I say and he smirks.
"Okay, me too, see you there" he says and we give a quick kiss goodbye and go separate ways. I walk in and see that Christina and Abby already picked out my outfit. It's a high waisted light pink skirt, a white short sleeved shirt, and white sandals. I smile, it reminds me of one of the outfits I wore on a date with Tobias... Memories. I change into that and walk out. The girls squeal.
"You look AMAZING!!" Abby squeals and I smile.
"Thanks" I say.
"Come on! There waiting for us at the reception!" Christina says and we run to the limo. That's right I said limo. We gonna be riden' in swag! 😏😎

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