Untitled Part 8

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Tris POV

The next morning I wake up on the couch, but I realize I am alone. I look around, still no one. I take my watch out and check the time. Its 11 in the morning. Suddenly I hear a thump in the kitchen and laughter. I get up stretch and walk in to see whats all the racket. I walk in and see Uriah on the floor drenched in water. I walk over to Tobias and stand in front of him. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my head.

"Hey, whats going om here?" I ask.

"Uriah... Went to get some... water to drink, so he... did and then Chris and Mar scared the crap out of him and it... made him fall while spilling the water all over him" Tobias says between laughs. I start to laugh to then I help Uriah up.

"thanks" Uriah says.

"anytime" I reply. I open the fridge and grab myself some grapes. I make my way to the living room and look out the window. Its snowing like theirs no tomorrow. Everybody comes in the living room to join me.

"Hey, don't we have school?" I ask.

"No, they cancelled it because of the blizzard" Shauna says.

"Oh okay, anyone wanna play some games?" Zeke asks.

"Yeah" We all say in unison. We all gather in a circle and sit together. Tobias on my left and Uriah on my right.

"Okay, who's gonna start" I say. I mouth the words '3,2, 1' and point to Uriah.

" ME ME ME ME!" He yells. We all laugh then Uriah begins.

"Marlene, be a pansycake or be awesome" He says. I roll my eyes and so does everyone else.

"I think I'll choose... Be awesome of course" Marlene says.

"I dare you to... go outside and walk up to some random person and say, 'OMG, like my boyfriend just broke up with me, and he won't answer my calls and texts!' Then you have to cry on there shoulder and run back here" Uriah says.

"Okay" Marlene says. I grab my phone out and me and Will go to watch while the others wait. We go behind a bush and wait for the show to begin. Marlene walk out running pretending to cry. She runs up to a person and its a guy with some baggy ripped jeans and some kinda Marvel shirt. Marlene walks up to him pretending to sob.

"OMG, my boyfriend just broke up with me and he wont return any of my texts or calls!" Marlene 'sobs' on the guys shoulder. But all of a sudden the guys pushes her.

"What the hell get off me!" he yells. Marlene looks up and slaps him across the face and runs in and Will and I follow. Once we get in we show the video and we are all dying of laughter.

"Okay, my turn. Hmm... Four, truth or dare?" Marlene says.

"Truth" Tobias says.

"PANSYCAKE!" Uriah screams. Zeke gets up and smacks him with a pillow a hundred times.

"Shut. The. Hell. Up!" Zeke says right in Uriah's face. We laugh again.

"What is the best thing about Tris?" Mar says. I look up at him and he looks at me with a smirk.

"Well, there's many things. She's brave, selfless, honest, kind, smart, beautiful. But the best thing about her is that when ever I mess up she always forgives me. When ever I am in a bad mood or something might be the matter, she helps me get threw it and makes it feel all better" He says, never taking his eyes off mine. My eyes are swelling up with tears. I can't take it anymore, I kiss him. He kisses me back. A ton of 'awes' are made in the back round. We pull back. I smile with a tear. He wipes it away with is thumb.

"That... was the most sweetest and most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me" I say with a smile. He smiles to and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, time for me to take a turn, Christina, truth or dare?" Four says.

"Truth, Uriah don't you dare"Christina says, we laugh. Uriah has a pouting face on.

"Okay, Who was your first boyfriend, and when was this time you dated him"

"I think it was Ethan Hart, yeah we went out I think it was 8th grade" Christina says.

"Wow, so young" Lynn says.

"Yeah, anyways... Tris, truth or dare?" Christina asks me.

"Dare! I ain't know pansycake!" I say, and Tobias laughs. Uriah has this huge grin on his face and high fives me.

"Okay... I dare you to be Fours slave for 10 minutes" Christina says. I look at Four and he looks at me with a grin and wiggles is eyebrows. I laugh.

"Hey, Tris?" Four says.

"Ugh, yeah?" I say.

"I am hungry, can you get me a snack?" He asks me.

"Fine" I say. I get up and walk into the kitchen. I walk over to the freezer and take out 2 bowls of ice cream. I made sundae's for me and Tobias. I grab the bowls and walk into the living room. I hand it to Tobias and sit next to him eating my sundae.

"You got one too!" Uriah says.

"Hey, I can have whatever i want, just because I am a servant doesn't mean I can't have anything" I say.


"Okay, Guys this is starting to get boring" I say.

"Yeah" Shauna says.

"OMG!!" Christina yells.

"OW! I think I am def now!" Uriah yells.

"We should go paint balling!" Christina says excited.

"Sure" We all say. We all get up get dressed grabbed our jackets and started making our way to the court.

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