Chapter 21

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(A/N, I will only be doing a few more chapters after this one. Hopefully you enjoyed this book as much as I did)

Tris POV
4 months later...
I wake up to the sound of crying. I start to get up but then a I notice Tobias isn't next to me. I look around and notice he is taking a shower. I get up and walk into the nursery and see that it's Zoe crying. I go pick her and smell her diaper. Yup, definitely needs a change. I bring her onto the changing table and change her diaper. Then Tobias comes into the room with bottles to feed them. I smile and grab one from him.
"Good morning and thanks" I say and kiss his cheek.
"Morning" he says and grabs Larry. He straddles him in his arms and feeds him his bottle and I do the same to Zoe.
"We get married tomorrow" I say and smile. He smiles a huge grin.
"I know, I'm so excited!" He exclaims excited and I chuckle.
"What are you and the guys doing for the bachelor party?" I ask.
"We are going to Uriah and Zeke's house and just talk, watch movies and all sorts of crap" Tobias says.
"Okay, just please don't get drunk" I say and chuckle. He chuckles.
"Don't worry, I don't want a hangover at the wedding. That would be horrible. What are you and the girls doing?" He asks.
"We are going over Christina's house and were going to paint nails, talk, watch movies, you know girl stuff" I reply and he nods.
"Is Sammy going to babysit the kids while we are gone?" He asks. Sammy is our baby sitter incase we need to do something or go out. She is 20 so she's reliable.
"Yeah" I reply. I look back down at Zoe and take the bottle out her mouth. I start burping her and Tobias does the same thing. They both burp pretty loud, it's pretty funny cause Larry did a long one. Tobias and I laugh and change them up into some clothes. I put Zoe into a white shirt that says 'daddy's girl' in yellow letters and a skirt that is pink. Tobias puts Larry into a plaid grey and black shirt, jeans, and a mini snap back for kids. They look so cute! We walk downstairs and Tobias and I put the kids in the play pen. I turn towards Tobias.
"You know, I didn't get a good morning kiss" he says and I giggle. I go up on my tip toes and kiss him on the lips. We kiss go about 20 seconds until I pull back.
"I'm gonna cook breakfast" I say.
"Okay, I'll feed the little munchkins" he says looking towards the kids. I chuckle and walk into the kitchen with Tobias. He has Zoe and Larry in both arms, it's so cute. He puts both of them in there high chairs and grabs some baby food. I grab the ingredients to make pancakes. I quickly cool that and put a plate in front of Tobias and I. He is trying to feed them but they won't take it.
"Come on, Zoe. You like peaches" he says and she refuses.
"Larry, my man! Can you eat some peaches for Daddy" Tobias says but Larry refuses as well. Just then there's a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I yell. The person opens the door and its Uriah.
"Whats up Uriah!" Tobias says giving him one of those bro hugs.
"Nothin much man, but do you have eggs? Abby, Zeke, Analies and I trying to bake some dauntless cake" he says and I chuckle.
"Yeah, I'll go get some. Have some pancakes if you'd like" Tobias replies.
"Nah, that's okay. Saving room for cake" he says and we laugh.
"So, what ya doooing?" He says. I giggle.
"I'm eating while Tobias try's to feed Zoe and Larry" I reply. Uriah sits down in Tobias' seat. He grabs the spoon of peaches. He tried feeding it to them.
"Try it? Maybe you'll like it? Like what Momma Pedrad says 'when you don't know something, get your... act together and be a man' Uriah says and I laugh, he just roles his eyes. Tobias comes back with a dozen eggs. He hands it to Uri and sits next to me.
"Come on guys, it must not be that bad?" Uriah says and takes the spoon and looks at it. He EATS the baby food and makes a disgusted face.
"Never mind, I'm on you guys' side" he says and Tobias and I start dying laughing. The kids make slight giggles. Once we regain ourselves Uriah try's again. Just incase something funny happens I take out my phone and video tape it.
"Here, try to feed yourself" Uriah says and hands the spoon to Zoe. She takes the spoon and looks at it confused. She takes it and scoops some peaches up and looks at it once again. She flicks the spoon and peaches go flying in Uriah's face.
"Thats my girl!" Tobias shouts. I am so glad I got that on video. We all start dying laughing again. Once again, till we stop laughing we watch the kids stare at us.
"Here, let me try" I say. "Move Uriah" I say in a deadly voice and he gladly does. I grab the spoon of peaches and feed it to Larry and Zoe. They eat it and Tobias' and Uriah's jaw dropped.
"Magic!" I say and we laugh. Uriah leaves and we all finish eating. I clean up a little and then there is a knock at the door.
"I got it" Tobias says. I grab Larry and Zoe who were on the floor playing with a book, and put them in there play pen. Tobias opens the door and there stands and excited Christina and Zeke, he lets them in and we sit on the couch.
"Are you guys ready to go for the bachelor and bachelorette party?" Christina asks.
"Almost, were just waiting on Sammy" I reply. Christina gets up and grabs Larry.
"Hey Larry! How you doin'" she says and Larry just makes baby noises. Zeke gets up also and picks up Zoe.
"Hey Zoe! Can you say Uncle Zeke!?" He asks. All Zoe does is spit in his face. We all start laughing our heads off except for Zeke. He gives Zoe to Tobias and wipes his face. Tobias starts making silly faces at Zoe and she laughs. It's so adorable. He starts doing rassberries on her stomach. She starts laughing in controllably. You can say she's laughing Divergent. 😂😂.
"You guys are the best parents ever" Christina says. Tobias and I smile.
"Thanks" we reply.
"It's so cute how Four and Zoe get along so well" Christina says and Tobias blushes.
"Yeah... She's my little munchkin" he says and I smile. Christina nudges me with her elbow. She comes up to my ear.
"You picked a good one" she whispers in my ear. I blush and smack her arm.
"I defiantly did" I whisper back to her.
"You know something, I think this is the longest time I haven't heard Zeke" I reply and look around. "Where is Zeke?" I ask. Christina and Tobias shrug and we walk into the kitchen. We see a figure behind the fridge. I wonder who that could be. Note the sarcasm. Tobias goes behind him and says boo!
"Sh- Sugar!" Zeke yells about to say shit but changes it. We all laugh including the twins.
"What are you eating Zeke?" Christina asks.
"I'm eating some kind of meat" he says. We make disgusted faces.
"I don't even want to know" I say and Zoe laughs of course. There's a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" I say and walk to the door. I open it and there stands Sammy with a smile.
"Hi soon to be Mrs. Eaton!" She says perkily and I giggle.
"Hey Sammy, come on in" I say leading her into the house. She walks in and I follow her.
"Hey Four" Sammy says.
"Hey Sammy" Four says with Zoey on his shoulders. He takes her down and gives her to Sammy.
"Hi Zoey, ready to play!?" She says with a lot of emphasis. Zoey laughs.
"Well, were gonna go. See you later Sammy!" Christina says.
"Bye!" She replies and Christina and I drive to her house.


Tris POV
Right now the girls and I are painting out nails talking.
"OMG Tris, you, Four, and the kids are ADORABLE together! It's so cute how Four gets along with them" Abby says and I blush.
"Yeah, Oooo! I have to show you some videos, there hilarious" I say and takeout my phone. I show them the video of Tobias playing peek a boo, when Zoe spits in Zeke's face, and when Zoe throws food in Uriah's face. The Pedrad's are not the luckiest people. Everyone laughs. We finish our nails and decide to watch movies the rest of the time.

🙊🙊🙊11 hours later🙊🙊🙊
Abby yawns.
"Hey guys, I think we should get to bed. Big day tomorrow!" She squeals and we chuckle. I sleep in Christina's bed, Christina gets the guest room. Analies gets the couch, and Abby gets the floor. I start to think of the wedding.
This is going to be the best day of my life. Marrying my dream guy, have beautiful children, and spend it with my best friends. I love my life.

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