It's been exactly a year since that night and now Aurora was a stumbling toddler. "Bell! Hurry you're going to miss it!!!!" Clarke was yelling in excitement at their daughters triumph from crawling to walking, Bellamy had steeped in the room just in time to see their daughter walking towards her mom "go on, go to daddy" she told Aurora turning her around to face Bellamy a big smile spread across her face as she stumbled towards her father, Bellamy chuckled at her actions, but as soon as she got to him he scooped his little girl up in his arms giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead before tickling her causing her to giggle. Needless to say, Aurora was a smart baby considering her DNA which is why in between giggles she had said "daddy" she kept giggling though, Bellamy and Clarke were at the verge of tears after what they just witnessed, their little girl had taken her first steps and said her first word altogether. Each new memory reminded them of an old memory, in this case, it was Bellamy's turn to remember the day Clarke had announced her pregnancy. 

He was sitting in the living room of their apartment, going through some boxes he had found that were yet to be unpacked, when Octavia had burst through the door screaming frantically, "Bell! Clarke's pre..." Was all she got out before Clarke pressed a hand to her mouth to silence her. Clarke had taken multiple pregnancy tests that all turned to be positive, she started her suspicions a week earlier, and she had gone to the hospital to get those test processed, as well as a blood test, just to be a hundred percent sure she was pregnant, and through this entire time the only person she "told" was Octavia. Well, technically she suspected it and started snooping until she found out on her own. "I'm prepared to give you this letter" Clarke had replaced Octavia's last words and took her hand away from her mouth glaring at her. Clarke had handed Bellamy her blood test results, telling she was pregnant in a medical language she knew he wouldn't understand, "what the hell is this?" He had asked with a confused look on his face that made Clarke and Octavia giggle, "it's a blood test" Clarke answered, "Clarke you know I don't understand doctor code" he answered glaring a bit but in a joking matter. "You're right I'm so silly here, this letter says what that test means" Clarke answered in a fit of giggles, handing him the recently received letter of the pregnancy tests results being accurate, "Dear Mis Griffin we're happy to inform you that the accuracy of your...pregnancy tests?...(he looked up at Clarke a bit scared and confused) is 100% positive" Bellamy's mouth was now agape, meanwhile the girls laughed hysterically at his expression, "your going to be a daddy Bellamy!!!" Clarke said, a huge smile on her face, he had now dropped the letter not caring what happened to it, since all he needed, cared for and mattered was right in front of him, stepping closer to his beautiful wife he placed a passionate kiss on her lips. This day had been yet another perfectly happy memory that brought more joy to the moment in time they were currently in.

Today the happy couple had taken it upon themselves to have a family day, a lovely picnic in a butterfly meadow, only the three of them. They were seated under an old tree on their picnic blanket, surrounded by lovely flowers and many different types of butterfly's. Aurora was sitting between her parents when a sparkling blue butterfly landed on her nose making her giggle, and suddenly it flew away, urging Aurora to go after her. The toddler had stood up running after the butterfly, much like her aunt once did at a young age. Bellamy and Clarke stayed back sitting on the blanket laughing at their daughter's curiosity. "She's perfect" Clarke said in a whispered tone to her husband, his arm rested on her shoulder bringing her close to him, "she sure is" Bellamy simply responded. "Bell?" Clarke said in a somewhat serious tone, a tone that caught Bellamy's full undivided attention. "Yes, princess?" He asked, a bit of worry in his tone but still managed to pull a brave smile towards her. Clarke looked down and then at him, with a question that haunted her after an unforgettable nightmare she had the day of their wedding, she never told him but it was a very vivid dream, were he had told her she was nothing but another one of his one night stands, that he never loved her, that she was worthless. She had pushed the nightmare away considering all the things they've been through and all the love they've shared during their time together, that was until the nightmare found it's way back up her brain last night. "Bellamy, do you... Do you regret this?" She finally asked a tear falling from her eyes. "Hey what's wrong why would you ever think that?" He said whipping away the tears, with a concerned face. Clarke had explained the nightmare and how it haunted her and by now her eyes were red, puffy and wet from all the crying, Bellamy held her close rubbing one arm up and down her back to soothe her. "Hey, do you really think I regret any of this? Clarke, look around, I have the best life I could ever ask for, I have a beautiful loving wife, I have a beautiful loving daughter, my life is perfect, just like I figured it would be, remember our vows?" Bellamy asked now with a smile as he saw a smile spread across Clarke's face as she remembered their vows and I do's from their wedding day. 

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