Chapter 13 "Interviewing and Shopping"

Start from the beginning


Alex's P.O.V

After what seemed like hours and hours, we finally decided on a bodyguard for each one of us. I went with a female guard that I will call ‘Sarah’ so if the criminals try to get me, they won’t really expect a girl whooping their asses but Alex also got another security guard named Jacob. Sam decided with a younger one named Mike who could pass as one of his buds, and probably will end up as one of them since Sam is so friendly, and mom decided on her and dads body guards and Justin's body guard.

“Well that was torturous,” I said while plopping down on the two-seater sofa I have in my room near the TV

“Yeah it was, want to go shopping to get your mind off of it?” Sam asked, he always knew the best way to take my mind off of things

“sure, we can bring Sarah, Jacob and mike too and buy them a little something” I said while grabbing a fresh towel from the closet for myself and throwing another one at Sam “You should probably take another shower too” I said before winking and running into the washroom

“You're right, I can” I heard Sam say while imagining the smirk on his face as he ran into the washroom after me.


“No way” Sarah complained “it’s way to expensive plus, you're already paying me very well” I just glared at her “It’s my way of saying thank you, plus it'll look cute on you!” I said holding up a cute grey summer dress from costa blanca “Ughhh Fine but this is the only time you ever buy ANYTHING for me that has nothing to do with my job!” Sarah said while marching into the changing rooms.

Mike and Jacob walked around the store pretending that they were looking at clothing items for their ‘Girlfriends’ if anyone asked but they were keeping a close eye on us. I bought a nice dress shirt for Jacob and Sam bought a pair of Jordan's for Mike.

“Omigosh you look so cute!” Sarah looked amazing in that dress, it hugged her curves perfectly and made her look thinner and taller “Really?” she asked me self consciously “YES! Now get changed again so I can buy this for you!” I said in a joking, yet a bit demanding way “OK, fine” Sarah said giggling as she went back into the changing room.

Sam's P.O.V

I've been wanting to buy something special for Alex for the longest time. Now that we are back from our honeymoon, Alex will be practicing guitar and start performing at certain events and she refuses to buy a new one. ‘I should get her a new strap…no that’s lame, how about a new case? Yes but I should get her something else too…. how about a…YES I GOT IT! I’ll get her a new case and inside of the case there can be a new strap, a few new picks, and maybe those earrings that she had been eying down before we left for bra-’

“You're talking to yourself again” Alex interrupted my thoughts as she sang that while walking by me “I’m so not!” I replied attempting to keep a cool face on only to cause Alex to look deep into my eyes with a serious face which made me, well, burst our laughing like a 5 year old.

“You can’t lie to me” she said while raising an eyebrow “Yeah I know” I smiled in defeat. “Hey mike? Do you want to come with me too..err.. American eagle and we can catch up with the others at home? I just wanted to check some shirts that are on sale and I need a guys opinion” I asked trying not to sound suspicious to Alex “Yeah, sure!” Mike replied eagerly as he started walking with me towards ‘American eagle’, which turned out to be the music, and jewelry store.

 “Hey Sam?” Mike said questioningly “Yeah?” I replied curiously “That Jacob guy seems kind of umm, strange.” I thought about it for a second “why would you say that?” I asked really curious now “I don’t know, just the way he is and answers his phone calls really discretely and quietly like he’s hiding something” Mike told me “Well, I’ll keep an eye out. Thanks for telling me” I said smiling “No problem it’s my job” Mike replied as we walked out of the music store with all of the items inside of the new guitar case

 Alex's P.O.V

Sarah, Jacob and I were all in the car driving home since Sam and Mike decided to check out one more store while Jacobs phone rang

“Hello? Umm…I can’t really talk right now…. No…. yes… not now it’s too soon…. next week I promise…ok…alright!....yes…bye” I heard Jacob whisper yell into the phone as discretely as possible. I wondered what that was all about but I just shrugged and forgot about it while driving the rest of the way home.

Do you guys think Jacob is acting a bit strange? Are Sam and Alex just paranoid? You tell me in the comments!!! Thanks for reading guys

- Xo AmySousa oX

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