"Great. The restaurant is called Paula."

"I heard of it. My friends went and they say the food is wonderful."

I hope so. This would be my first time going. I'll see you in a hour." With that I watched as his bubble butt jiggled as he jogged away.

He probably played football in college....

A smirk spread across my face as I jogged back to my fancy apartment. Once I walked through the front door, I locked it and ran to my large closet.

I took probably thirty minutes to take a shower, oil up, put some clothes on, do my makeup and rinse my mouth with mouth wash.

New record...

Instead of driving, I walked to the fancy restaurant. It only took five minutes to get there. So I'm early. Usually I'm late or exactly on time.

"Am I late?" His voice echoes behind me.

I slowly turn around to face him. Instead of workout clothes, he's wearing a nice grey suit with a sliver watch, black dress shoes and his college graduation ring.

I shook my head. "No. Actually both of us are early."

"You look beautiful." He said as he looked at me up and down.

"You look really handsome. Nice watch."

"Thank you. Shall we go inside."

I nod. "Yup."

Before I can put my hand on the door handle, David opened the door and allowed me in first.

Soft music played in the background as you hear small talk.

"Reservations under TJ." I heard David said.

I playfully hit his arm. "Why would you use my name?"

He chuckled. "Because I like it."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Right this way sir." The waiter held to menus in his hand. We followed him to a booth by the large window that looks out at the lake that is covered in fog.

"I love this view." I said as I sit down.

"You do? It's all foggy." David unbuttoned his suit before sliding into the booth. "It would of been better if it was sunny outside."

"I know but the fog just sets a good mood for me." I shrugged. "I don't know why but it reminds me of the old scary movies I use to watch with my dad."

"The fog gives you happy memories."

I nod. "You can say that."

"Shall I start the both of you off with drinks?" The waiter said before putting the menus down in front of us.

David nod. "I would like scotch with cola on the side."

"Scotch?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's my signature drink."

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