~Chapter Two~

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I slipped out of bed and looked down at my white clothes. White. Just like everything else in this place. I shuddered.

I went over to the door of our room and pushed it open. There was a woman in a lab coat walking in the direction of the room. She had been looking down at a clipboard in her hand, but she looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello, Sweetheart." She said sweetly. She had shining red hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a sort of updo bun with just a few strands of hair hanging loose by her face.

"Hi..." I replied nervously.

"Are you...Patrick?" She had looked back down at her clipboard for a moment, lifting some of the papers, "Or Gerard?"

"I'm Patrick." I smiled, nervously still.

"Patrick. Very nice to meet you. I'm Doctor Leslie Walker, just started." She continued to smile sweetly.

"Nice to meet you as well." I felt myself relax a bit, "I'm Patrick Stump, but I'm sure you already know because..." I nodded toward her clipboard.

"Yes...But personal introductions are still nice." She reached out her hand for me to shake. I hesitated. Usually the workers here didn't like us to make any kind of physical contact with them. But she was new...I reached out my hand and shook hers.

"Nice to have met you." She said honestly. She looked at the door to mine and Gerard's room, "He still asleep in there?" She asked.

I nodded. She walked past me and leaned into the room. "Gerard hunny." She called into the room sweetly, "It's time to get up! They have pancakes for breakfast today."

"Oh joy..." I heard Gerard groan. Just a minute later, Gerard was at the door, rubbing his eye. "Can I see Frankie now?" He asked quietly. He sounded like a child when he asked.

"I'm sure he'll be there." Doctor Walker smiled.

Gerard smiled in relief. We followed Doctor walker down the halls to the cafeteria, where the others were sitting at a round table. Gerard and I got our food and hurried over to them.

Gerard almost threw his plate down when he sat and threw his arms around Frank, gripping him tightly.

"I've gotchya." Frank comforted, holding him tightly.

Gerard just continued to hold him. I sat down on he other side of Frank at the only other available seat next to the other new kid, Brendon. I looked at my food, but I didn't have an appetite. Brendon and Pete, however, couldn't get enough.

"Ou gumma fimish tha?" Brendon asked with his cheeks filled with the last bites of his own pancakes. I pushed my plate over and he grinned happily.

"Sorry about the Urie." Pete leaned into the table to address me, "It's kinda been awhile since we had something to eat."

"Fujking bays" Brendon mumbled, still shoving food into his mouth.

"Why's that?" I asked in confusion.

Pete looked around as if to make sure no staff was nearby. He finally turned back around to look at me. "Because we were running." Pete said lowly.

"Running from what?" I asked in an equally low tone.

Pete opened his mouth to speak, but just at that instant, the new nurse walked up behind him with her sweet smile.

"Hello! How are we today?" She stood right behind Pete. He remained quiet. Brendon nodded, his mouth still full of food. Frank was sitting with his legs draped over Gerard's lap as they ate, neither acknowledging the question. I just smiled at the doctor.

Young BloodsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang