Chapter 33

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I remember it all now, we come out of that secret study room and walk outside the castle together, we go somewhere we can speak calmly so I can explain...the fact that I'm Mei Kaze Empress of Hosho. Finally we get to a safe clear between the woods and they sit down waiting for my words.

-"I know this sounds confusing, but I was born a hundred years ago, as the older daughter of the Emperor and the Empress Mei parents were killed by a knight yes, and a faery that wanted Hosho's spirit for parents were very strict with me, but they were good people who never meant to harm anyone. The last Empress wasn't my mother, it was me. I took the place of my parents on the throne, but my heart was full of hatred, I was confused...lost, I didn't understand why all of the sudden me and my little sister and brother were all alone...why no one explained? One day I woke up as a dragon, I was enraged...and I lost it"-at this point I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I can recall everything like it just happened, the images were burned in my memory along with the agony and guilt-"I burned the kingdom...I almost destroyed the magical forest, and the spirit of it sent me to sleep inside that cave where you...Faythe, found me"-I finish and try to smile at the same time I'm crying in silence. Moonlight's eyes looked dead since Natasha is lost but right now they look sad, and comprenhensive. Min's eyes are as wide as they can be, she looks away as fast as she notices I'm looking at her. Ruth seems about to burst into tears herself.

-"Ryuko..."-Faythe stands up and walks to me slowly, her light grey eyes yell thousand of things, I easily get lost in them just like the first time I saw them back in the cave. I can't do this! I can't stand losing her! I run away from her deep into the forest, I hear her running after me, she suddenly tackles me.

-"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"-I say between sobs, she blinks surprised.

-"Ryuko...Ryuko calm down"-she speaks sweetly and caress my cheeck.

-"Do you hate me now? Please don't...please"- I beg her.

-"Don't be silly...I don't hate you...I love you"-she smiles as she says this.

-" me? Like a friend?"-I mumble.

-"A friend would do this?"-she leans over and her lips brushes mine, she gives me a gentle kiss making me blush deeply while my heart beats make me feel alive beloved Faythe.

-"I love you Faythe"-I whisper and hug her, I shut my eyes just enjoying the moment, I was afraid for so long of hurting someone again...I was afraid of friends, I was afraid of happiness, I was afraid of love.

-"I love you too Mei"-she answers in a whisper.

-"Tomorrow is the ball...I was going to ask you to go with me"-I say shyly and she laughs.

-"I was going to do the same!"-she smiles bright.

-"That's wonderful...too bad Nat won't be...wait a second"-my eyes widen in realization.

-"What? What is it?"-


-"The Queen?"-

-"Yes! She's my parents' killer! She's not human! That's why she smelled so weird, I thought it was some perfume she used"-

-"That means...she...Natasha is..."-Faythe stutters, I have the same word on my head.

-"Yes...she is much as it hurts me to say this, she isn't our priority at the moment, not only Hosho is in danger but so is Kielray! She will use Hosho's spirit to destroy this place...or make it her own, either way we must stop her!"-

-"Yes but how? After the ball we're heading to Hosho for war!"-

-"I know...I know...we have to assist the ball, and follow our plan...when we get back to Hosho I'll awaken the spirit, it's the only way we can save both my home and yours"-

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