Chapter 16

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We made it to Anaheim.

Everything was so beautiful. I recalled going to Disney land when I was really young with my brother but we never had the money to go to the Cheesecake Factory or any fancy restaurants.

Staring out the window in awe, I noticed that the Anaheim Convention Center was just around the corner and there was the Red Lion Hotel. Everything looked so pretty.

Kian parked a ways away from the factory and put on sun glasses.

"Why the glasses?" I asked. "It's not that bright out."

"It's so people can't recognize us," he replied casually.

I felt a twinge of something in my stomach and it slightly annoyed me that he didn't want people to see him with me.

"Okay," I replied.

Sorry I'm not good enough to be with you. Oops. Let me make myself ten times hotter so I won't embarrass you. Sorry bout that.


Kian's POV

I sensed something was up but I didn't say anything. The glasses were tinted so I couldn't see her facial expression very well in the car.

"Can you walk far with the heels?" I asked politely.

"Yup," she replied quickly.

I nodded and opened the door.

She met up with me at the front of the car and I reached out to take her hand.

She just glared at me. I dropped my hand.

"Oh I'm sorry," she snapped. "Now you want to hold my hand? What if someone sees us? Won't holding my hand embarrass you?"

Then she turned on her heel and started walking towards the restaurant.

"Hey," I shouted. "Sky. Wait!"

She stopped and turned around to look at me with crossed arms.

I sighed and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"I'm not embarrassed to be with you," I started. "I put the glasses on so it would be less likely a fan would notice me. Believe me when I say the date would be ruined if a fan saw us."

She nodded and looked down.

After a moment she looked back up and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Wrapping my arms around her waist I locked eyes with her over my glasses.

"I like you." She said.

"I like you too." I said.

I pulled her towards me and buried my head into her shoulder. She smelled good.

Her hands stroked my back and honestly, I'd  rather stay here then go to dinner.

I know that the boys had really wanted to meet her and I was very hungry.

Pulling away I kissed her forehead and took ahold of her hand.

"Let's go," I said as we began walking again.


Sky's POV

"Hey Kian is here!" I heard a voice yell.

"Oooh and he brought his lady!" Another voice said.

"Damn Kian you hit jackpot!"

I smiled and Kian tightened his grip on my hand

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