Chapter 13

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"Mom?" I thought.

My mom was standing up buying some coconut water at the stand in Venice Beach. I smiled. She has always loved coconut water. It was one of her favorite things before she got sick then she couldn't have it.

My stomach filled with dread. My mother was dead. I'm seeing things. My mother is dead. She died almost a week ago. Her ashes are sitting in my room. They unplugged her. My mother is dead.

So why is it that I am seeing her right now getting coconut water at that little stand?

I tried to advance toward her but some invisible force was holding me back. My legs wouldn't move and my arms were basically glued to my sides. I pushed and pulled everything in my body to get myself to move but I could not.

I began to panic as I saw my mother start walking in the opposite direction of me.

"MOM!" I tried to yell, but no words came from my mouth.

I struggled again to get to her but I was immobile.

The struggling did nothing and I could see black spots begin to swim over my eyes and I tried my hardest to get to my mother. It didn't work.


I jerked up.

"Sky," I heard a concerned voice. "Sky please wake up Sky are you okay?"

I felt hands hold my shoulders and that was when I realized I had been dreaming. I reached up and touched my eyes to mentally see if I could find the black dots. Nothing. Just a clear night sky with the ocean just beyond.

"Sky," It was Kian. "Sky, doll, are you okay?"

I turned to look at him. I saw nothing but concern in his eyes.

I nodded and smacked the back of my head back onto the pillow.

"Just a bad dream," I whispered. "It was just a bad dream."

Kian looked concerned as he sat over me.

"Are you sure your ok?" He asked sincerely.

I nodded my head and faked a smile.

Kian kissed my forehead then laid back down setting an arm across my stomach. I turned toward him and tangled our legs together. Wrapping my arms around his waist I set my head against his chest and listened to his heart beat.

Soon his heart beat had lulled me back to sleep.


Kian's POV(I know you guys love these;)


When I woke up the sun was just rising behind us. Sky was still fast asleep in my arms. Her arms loosely wrapped around my torso and her hair was all over her face and the pillow. I looked closely at her and noticed her lips were slightly parted breathing in quick then long bursts.

She looked cute.

I liked her. She was nice and pretty but she was unstable because of her mom. Everyone would be though. I don't know if she will remember waking up with the bad dream last night but I definitely remembered.

I hope today was a good day for her and I plan to treat her like a princess all day.


I'm sorry it's so short!! I was struggling to write this chapter and I don't know.

I will try and update tomorrow or the next day I'm not sure!

I hope you liked this chapter💕 I love you all!

Bye lovelies💕💜
(Btw I realized there was a wattpad update and I AM SO EXCITED now I can bold, italicize, and underline on my iPad. This is wonderful.)

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