Chapter 11

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Kian took my hand and led me to his car. He opened the door for me and I thanked him as I sat down.

He went around to the drivers side and slid in. He started the car and immediately reached for my hand. Intertwining our fingers he brought my hand up and kissed the top of it.

I smiled softly at him and mentally spoke to my mom.

"I wish you were here to see this." But inside I knew she was watching me right now.

"So I have an idea where to go but we need to stop at my house first," Kian said as he turned out onto the highway, reattaching our hands after.

"Can I ask where we are going?" I asked.

He smiled over at me and shook his head slightly.

"Nope," he popped the P. "It's a surprise."

I laughed lightly and leaned back against the seat.


About 25 minutes later we pulled into what I suppose was Kian's house. It was nice. Right near the beach in San Clemente.

We both got out of the car and he took my hand leading me up to his front door.

"Mom?" Kian yelled when we stepped inside.

I cringed at the word but there was no reply and Kian turned to look at me.

"She must still be at work so we can just get our stuff and go."

I smiled and nodded my head to show that I got what he said. He smiled back and we went upstairs. We entered a room with a bed pressed up in the corner, a desk, a computer, and a closet. The room was surprisingly clean and I wondered if it was Kian's room.

I sat on the bed as Kian went through the closet getting some blankets, pillows, and two sweatshirts out. I smiled at the sweatshirts but immediately wondered what he had in mind.

He folded and set everything in a duffle bag then took my hand and led me back downstairs. He grabbed some water bottles out of the fridge and put those in the duffle bag too.

I raised an eyebrow at him but he just laughed happily and pulled me into a hug.

I put my arms around his waist and squeezed. He kissed the top of my head then grabbed my hand and the bag and went back to his car.

I got in the passenger seat while Kian put the bag in the backseat.

After getting in and starting the car Kian rested his hand on my knee. I blushed.

He then pulled out and drove off.


"The beach?" I asked.

Kian grinned widely and nodded happily.

I grinned and allowed him to lead me towards the private part of the beach away from all the people. It was rocky towards the back and had soft warm sand towards the front.

I loved the beach. It was always so warm and it got cooler at night which was great for bonfires.

Kian set down the duffle bag and pulled out the blanket which he laid on the sand. He laid another one on top of it and even another one on top of that. Then he set all the pillows around the blankets at the top.

"Me and my family used to come out to this spot all the time and spend the night on the beach because it was so secluded and hidden from everyone," Kian whispered as he came to stand next to me.

I turned to face him and saw he was smiling softly and blushing pink. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Kian," I started softly. "Why did you take me here?"

He tensed and his smile faltered. He looked sadly away from me. My eyes widened.

"Oh no Kian," I backtracked pulling away and grabbing his hands. " I didn't mean it like that; I'm really glad you brought me here but I want to know why because it sounds like it is a personal thing to you."

He pulled me towards him and locked his eyes with mine.

"I'm honestly not sure," he whispered. "I wanted to share it with you."

We stared into each other's eyes only a few inches apart.

My eyes flickered to his lips then back to his eyes.

Kian brought his hand up to my face and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear leaving his hand resting on my cheek. He softly brushed his thumb across my cheek bone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down towards me.

My lips brushed his and he kissed me back. I ran my fingers through his hair and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Our lips moved in sync and I relaxed as I kissed him. He pulled me closer to him, I smiled against his lips. He pulled away as I rested my head on his chest. His strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer.

Goals. Actual goals. This seems so cute. Omg. I might update later tonight if I write anymore but I'm actually really tired right now. So I'm not sure.

I'm for sure going to update tomorrow if I don't tonight.
I hope you enjoyed!!❤️

Bye lovelies💕💜

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