Chapter 4

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I was so flustered going to work that I went to work in my graduation dress and makeup.  When I got home my makeup was smeared and my dress was wrinkled. I didn’t care at all. I was so tired and my mom and Missy were sleeping so I could go to sleep now.

I took off my dress and washed my face. I was too tired to eat so I didn’t worry about that.

I crawled into bed. Sent a text to my brother and went to sleep.


I woke up around 11:30 and went to help make my mom’s breakfast. She couldn’t eat solid food so we had to crush her meals and she can drink them.

After me and Missy crushed her food I kissed Missy on the cheek and went to get ready for me and Ricky’s date at Panera.

I knew I would probably go straight from our date thing to work so I wore jeans and a pink tank top.

I got in my mom’s old car and drove to the Panera Ricky and I always go too.

“On my way!”

I texted Ricky when I was at a stop sign then kept driving to Panera.

California really is beautiful. I looked at everything when I drove. I love to drive.

When I got to Panera I saw Ricky’s car already sitting outside.

Ricky was ordering our food when I got inside.

“Hey Rickster,” I said as I hugged him. “How have you been?”

“Good!” He said as we sat down. “how is your mama doing?”

I sighed and looked down.

“Not very good to be honest with you,” I said sadly. “I’m wondering if we should put her into a hospital.”

The waiter brought out food over.

“Thank you,” Ricky said. “If you ever need a place to stay I’m always here.”

“I know,” I smiled. “Thank you Ricky.”

We ate our food and talked some more about life and his YouTube career.

“Thank you for lunch Rickster,” I smiled as I hugged him. “Don’t stay away that long anymore.”

“I won’t,” He said. “Shoot me a text when you get to work.”

I said ok and left.

I’m so grateful for that man and I hope he knows that.

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