Chapter 9

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The soothing voice of Missy woke me up.

"Sky dear," she spoke softly. "Your alarm has been going off for a while now, it's time to wake up"

I bolted awake when she said that and twisted towards the clock.

9:24 it read.

"Shit shit shit," I cussed rushing out of bed. I am supposed to be at work in 21 minutes.

I rushed into the bathroom and looked at my appearance. The outfit I wore the night before is going to have to do. I still had Kian's sweatshirt on which I noticed was a high school sweatshirt. It was big and soft and wasn't inappropriate so I decided to wear that and my shorts.

Quickly brushing my teeth and redoing my messy bun I grabbed my keys and phone, gave a quick kiss on the cheek to Missy and rushed out to my car.

I sped off to work noticing that I had 10 minutes till my shift.


I parked the car and locked it then walked into the building. I tried to look casual like I wasn't 15 minutes late but one of my co-workers gave me a pointed look and I scampered off quickly to my office.

Shutting the door quickly I sat down and turned on my computer.

I played soft music through my speakers as I worked and checked some emails.


At around 12:30 I left my office and went to go get some lunch. I didn't have a lot of money right now as I just payed bills so I just went to McDonalds.

As I sat in my car and ate the food I heard my phone ding. I reached into my pocket to check what it was. I noticed an old message and new message. I read the old first.

It was from last night.

Missy: your momma is staying the night at the hospital. I'm going to come home to sleep and get everything tomorrow morning. Hope your having fun!

And then I read the new one.

Missy: momma isn't doing to well. If your on break you might want to come see her.

I got a bad feeling in my stomach and raced to the hospital. Completely forgetting about the food, I parked the car and ran in. I asked the receptionist where she was and rushed down the halls towards her room.

Missy was sitting outside the room looking around and fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Missy," I asked loudly. "Is she ok?"

Missy looked up at my eyes sadly. I didn't wait for her answer and bursted into the room.

My beautiful mother was laying on the pristine white hospital bed looking at the ceiling. All the attachments and life lines had been cut off and taken out.

"Momma," I whispered walking towards her bed.

She turned her fragile head towards me and opened her mouth as if to say something but no sound came out.

I kneeled by her bed and reached out for her hand.

She grasped my hand and smiled sadly.

I let the tears flow. She never looks this bad and I had a sickening feeling that these were her last minutes.

I stayed connected to my mother just crying beside her while she used all of her strength to run her hand through my hair.

The machines steadied out and her hand stopped moving. As the long monotone beep rang through my ears. I let go of her and sobbed on the floor.

I physically felt my heart break into a thousand tiny pieces.


Sorry. Not much Kian in this but I almost cried writing this...😭

There will be more Kian stuff in the next chapter. Which will be posted tonight

Bye lovelies❤️

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